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don’t underestimate what you see

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don’t underestimate what you see

European health ministers have proposed a new recommendation on cancer screening to reduce the mortality and incidence of invasive cancers

We have repeatedly urged you to prevention. Especially for certain types of evils, very serious, the timing with which they are discovered is essential to be able to overcome them. In particular, we advise you not to underestimate any signal sent by your body, even the most insignificant. And, of course, to entrust yourself to the care of doctors and specialists.

The eyes send you a signal – Crmag.it

Fortunately, in fact, research on very serious diseases goes on. There are people who dedicate their lives to research. The risk of getting cancer is influenced by the amount of excess fat and height. Also, your body shape can determine which type of cancer you are more susceptible to. This is what emerges from a study coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published in the British Journal of Cancer which has linked 4 body conformations with the risk of developing tumours.

At risk especially people characterized by a high amount of body fat; those tall and thin; tall ones with a lot of belly fat; those with a high weight due, however, not to fat but to muscle mass. The team found an increased risk of cancer for people with the first three body shapes. Particular risks for cancer of the endometrium, esophagus, liver, kidney, but also that of the thyroid, breast and melanoma, as well as of the larynx, esophagus, stomach, thyroid.

Recently, however, the European health ministers meeting in Brussels proposed a new recommendation on cancer screening to reduce mortality and the incidence of invasive cancers, extending the tests also to lung, prostate and stomach cancer.

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Don’t underestimate this symptom

Another recent study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science warns us of a strange and almost insignificant symptom, which should instead set off an alarm bell. And this despite the fact that it concerns two apparently unconnected parts of our body. Stomach and eyes. Everything in our body, on the other hand, is a real network.

Well, this research starts from the case of one 52 year old female that he had seen his eyes become Detective stories during the three weeks of continuous stomach pain. The patient was later diagnosed with a fatal stomach cancer, called gastric adenocarcinoma. But what is the connection between stomach and eyes?

Cancer research (Ansa) 24.12.2022 crmag
Cancer research (Ansa)

The research valued the case that the tumor had grown so much that it had also affected the intestine, thus making it incurable. And causing an intestinal blockage that made the woman’s eyes turn yellow: a condition known as jaundice. So, be very careful and see a specialist right away for this and other symptoms.

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