Home » Double accident on the A1 between 5 trucks paralyzes traffic between Modena and Reggio Emilia: long queues on the motorway

Double accident on the A1 between 5 trucks paralyzes traffic between Modena and Reggio Emilia: long queues on the motorway

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Total block. A double accident on theA1Between Modena e Reggio Emilia, caused traffic gridlock and long queues on the highway, towards Milano, on the morning of Thursday 6 April. Involved in everything 5 tirone carried dangerous substances. On site, in addition to the fire fighters and at the Stradale, also i health care eh mechanical.

Double accident on the A1

Thursday 6 April a double accident on the A1 has paralyzed the traffic in Emilia Romagna.

In all there are 5 trucks involved: the first three collided at the height of the kilometer 149.3, at the crossroads between North Modena e Reggio Emilia.

The section of the A1 where the accident occurred, at the junction between Modena Nord and Reggio Emilia

One of these trucks, as reported by Ansa, was carrying dangerous substances.

The second incident, recorded at kilometer 154, interested instead two heavy vehicles.

The rescues

On site, in addition to the fire fighters, the patrols of the Police, i medical aid, i mechanical and the staff of the Bologna third section of Autostrade per l’Italia.

Tilt traffic, long queues towards Milan

The double accident had inevitable repercussions on the traffic.

At the moment we travel one lane and register a few kilometres tail towards Milan.

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Accident in Milan

In Milan, on the other hand, a 19-year-old was hit while riding his bike in via Corelli.

Urgently transported to the Niguarda hospital, he was intubated: his conditions would be very serious.

Fonte foto: 123RF

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