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dozens of wounded, dynamics and relief

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dozens of wounded, dynamics and relief

And serious train accident took place in the early hours of the morning in Holland, near the village of Voorschoten, between The Hague and Amsterdam. Dozens injured, there would also be a victim.

Train derailed in Holland, what happened

According to local media reports, a passenger train would have been involved shortly after 3.30 it derailed. From the first information coming from the scene of the accident, the front carriages of the passenger train went off the tracks, while the rear ones caught fire.

The exact dynamics of the accident are not yet clear, but it seems that the train may have collided with another train, used for transporting goods, or encountered construction material on the tracks which caused the derailment.

The balance sheet of the train accident

According to local media reports, there is one victim, while the number of injured is not clear. THE sHollands Midden emergency services they reported that the toll would be more than 50 injured, 19 of them seriously. On the spot, dozens of passengers would have been medicated by rescuers.

The ANP reports that an emergency hospital has been activated in Utrecht for the victims of the accident. Emergency crews were called from all over the country and immediately got to work rescuing the passengers.

Rail traffic jammed

Rail traffic on the line between Leiden and The Hague has been completely interrupted and the toll-free number 088 269 00 00 has been activated to be able to get in touch with loved ones who, it is feared, could be found on board the train.

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Photo source: IPA

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