Home » Drinking water and apple cider vinegar is good for you. This is what happens to blood sugar

Drinking water and apple cider vinegar is good for you. This is what happens to blood sugar

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Drinking water and apple cider vinegar is good for you.  This is what happens to blood sugar

During these early summer days there is nothing better than drinking a little water to quench the thirst. Quenching your thirst is an innate action that we all do several times throughout the day to replenish the water we lose through sweat with the precious mineral salts it contains. There are people who drink water without problems but there are others, however, such as the elderly and children, who are not very easy to drink a little water during the day.

Often the elderly and children prefer carbonated drinks which, however, are rich in sugars. Among the drinks that are indicated to quench your thirst there is also flavored water which, however, is a mixture of water with some ingredients that make it more pleasant to drink. Among this type of water there is one that adds just a little flavor but there is also one that brings interesting beneficial properties such as water with apple cider vinegar. Indeed, drinking water and apple cider vinegar is an excellent drink for our health because, in addition to quenching our thirst, it improves our digestion because it activates some digestive enzymes. Furthermore, drinking water with apple cider vinegar deflates the abdomen and decreases water retention especially in the lower limbs.

Furthermore, water and apple cider vinegar can in some cases also repopulate our intestinal bacterial flora and it is also good because it helps transit and fights constipation. The credit for all this goes to the acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar, which also improves the blood sugar trend after lunch. In fact, it helps to decrease the sense of hunger and in the end they bring fewer calories to our body with the consequence that body weight also decreases.

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When should you drink apple cider vinegar? The first advice is never to drink it pure because its acidity damages the dental enamel and also compromises the esophagus. You have to drink apple cider vinegar always diluted in a little water to avoid these negative effects. The other advice is never to drink large doses of apple cider vinegar at the beginning of this procedure, even if diluted, but to get used to its pleasantness over time, always increasing gradually.

When should you drink apple cider vinegar? Many wonder if it is better to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning or in the evening, if it is preferable to drink it as soon as you wake up or maybe before going to sleep. The advice is to drink it shortly before or immediately after main meals. A scientific study claims that supplementing a meal with vinegar reduces the postprandial blood sugar response. That’s why it’s always a good idea to season salads, fish or meat with a little vinegar.

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