Home » Dukan, this is the diet that is depopulating: it allows you to maintain the weight achieved in the long term

Dukan, this is the diet that is depopulating: it allows you to maintain the weight achieved in the long term

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Dukan, this is the diet that is depopulating: it allows you to maintain the weight achieved in the long term

The diet to maintain weight (velvetstyle)

If losing weight is difficult, maintaining it after dieting is no easier. This is why the Dukan program is revolutionary and is depopulating among VIPs and beyond.

How much does it cost in terms of fatigue go on a diet? Very, very much. But what happens next? When we have reached the goal and we have to go back to normal then learn to manage the daily. It often becomes difficult and complex maintain weight and you start to gain a kilo, then two, until you cancel every sacrifice made.

Dukan diet: it is perfect for maintaining weight

The problem of the diet aimed at weight loss is that, being restrictive, it does not last long. This means that it is done until the ideal weight is reached but then it returns to normal and this step is very complex, it means introducing everything again but paying attention to the condiments, the how and the when. With the Dukan diet comes the turning point, a sort of “formula” to maintain body weight without excesses.

The Whole Diet
Dukan diet, the revolution: so you can maintain weight (velvetstyle)

The crucial point is one nutrition rehabilitation therefore a new balance to be implemented in everyday life. Otherwise every diet has no effect in the long term because once you abandon that specific restriction you go back to gaining weight. Dukan proposes in the new book that is presented as the definitive method a path complete with a diet plan studied by the doctor Pierre Dukan which for decades has specialized in the fight against obesity and diabetes with nutrition.

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In addition to the aesthetic factor, in fact, it is important to understand that a healthy and balanced diet helps prevent disease and allows the body to age correctly, with all the necessary nutrients. So even eliminating some foods is not greet and this is why similar diets should not be done on the basis of one’s knowledge, but always relying on specialists and doctors.

The Dukan diet offers a scheme that not only allows you to lose weight, but also maintain weight with the use of three superfoods: crusca d’avena, konjak e okara which appear to be essential for health and well-being and can facilitate rapid weight loss. Over time, the Dukan diet has been criticized for the large amount of protein it contains and also because it is not considered beneficial in the long term. This is why the new text is called the definitive edition, it seems that the French doctor has reviewed and perfected these details to achieve the perfect balance in terms of food.

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