Home » Elly Schlein, who is the first female secretary of the Democratic Party: the debut after 101, then Brussels, the boom in the regional elections and the arrival in Parliament

Elly Schlein, who is the first female secretary of the Democratic Party: the debut after 101, then Brussels, the boom in the regional elections and the arrival in Parliament

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Elly Schlein, who is the first female secretary of the Democratic Party: the debut after 101, then Brussels, the boom in the regional elections and the arrival in Parliament

The election crowns a political commitment that began in one of the darkest moments in the party’s history, the failed election of Romano Prodi to the presidency of the Republic. Leaving the Democratic Party in controversy with Renzi’s political line, which he defines as “centre-right”, he only recently regained his membership

A multicultural story that already bears in its name: Elena Ethel Schlein said Elly, 37, becomes the first female secretary of the Pd (and the youngest ever) crowning a political commitment that began in one of the darkest moments in the history of the party, the failed election of Romano Prodi to the presidency of the Republic, with the by now infamous 101 snipers that scuttled his candidacy. For years bloggers of fattoquotidiano.it, Schlein was born in 1985 in the canton of Ticino, Switzerland, the daughter of two university professors: her father, Melvin, is an American political scientist descendant of an Askhenazite Jewish family from today’s Ukraine; her mother, Maria Paola Vivianiis a university professor of public law, daughter of Agostino Viviani, anti-fascist lawyer and PSI senator in the 1970s. He has two older brothers: Benjamin, who teaches mathematics at the University of Zurich, and Susanna, a diplomat at the Athens embassy, ​​recently the victim of an anarchist attack.

After graduating from Lugano he moved to Italy, a Bologna, where he studied first at Dams and then in Law: he graduated in 2011 with a thesis in Constitutional Law on the representation of migrants in prison. Before dedicating yourself to active politics in Italy, you participated, as a volunteer, in the two campaigns that led to the election to the presidency of the United States of Barack Obama. In 2014, after the experience of OccupyPd following the failure to elect Prodi and the commitment alongside Pippo Civati in the congress, she stood as a candidate for the European Parliament, being elected with 53,681 preferences: during the mandate she will mainly deal with immigration, tax justice, the environment and the fight against mafias. She came out of the Pd in ​​controversy with Renzi’s political line, which she defines as “centre-right”, she was one of the founders of Possible.

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In 2020, after the experience in Brussels, he is a candidate for the regional elections at the helm of “Courageous Emilia-Romagna“, a list that brings together various experiences of the left. Here his parable intersects with that of his challenger in the primaries, Stefano Bonaccini, who once conquered the governor’s seat appoints him to the vice presidency. In 2022 Enrico Letta offers her the candidacy in the Pd lists, which leads her to Montecitorio. Only in recent months has Schlein chosen to re-enroll in the party, taking back the membership card Bolognina clubthe same where his political experience had begun.

Very confidential about her private life, a few years ago in a television interview she said she loved “many men and many women“Has a mate who, he says, “is not a public figure and does not want to become one”. She is passionate about cinema, a regular visitor to the Locarno Film Festival and collaborated on a documentary that won the David di Donatello. She is also very passionate about music: she plays the guitar and is a lover of the Sanremo festival.

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