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Endometriosis: The ultimate nutrition plan

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7 Day Meal Plan for Endometriosis Relief

Our meal plan for endometriosis sufferers includes recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So that you always have a choice, you will receive two suggestions each day for lunch and dinner. This way, the plan basically contains enough prescriptions for 14 days.

Of course, the disease cannot be cured within 7 or 14 days. But our plan will help you to permanently change your diet so that you can meet all the criteria of a correct endometriosis diet and it will be easy for you to eat optimally in the long term. It is important that your meals are not only healthy and tailored to your illness, but that they also taste very good and you can look forward to a delicious meal every day.

The right diet

When compiling our nutritional plan, we based ourselves on the available scientific studies on this topic. This resulted in at least nine criteria: The diet for endometriosis should contain as few finished products as possible, it should be plant-based, consist of anti-inflammatory foods, contain certain vital substances and regularly contain turmeric that support the body’s own detoxification, be gluten-free and intestinal flora-friendly and contain foods that increase the melatonin level can increase.

In our plan, you will not only receive the right prescriptions, but also explanations as to why which criterion can be helpful for the disease. It also explains how you can incorporate seed cycling into your daily diet, what drinks are ideal, what supplements might help and how you can change your lifestyle in such a way that this factor will also have a positive effect on your disease.

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*You can get ours here 7 Day Meal Plan at for instant download for only 7.50 euros.

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