Home » Erection problems: what the heart has to do with it / an erectile dysfunction can hint …

Erection problems: what the heart has to do with it / an erectile dysfunction can hint …

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Erection problems: what the heart has to do with it / an erectile dysfunction can hint …

24.07.2023 – 09:00

Word & picture publishing group – health reports

Baierbrunn (ots)

If “he” is no longer standing, it is often very stressful for a man and his partnership. The cause can lie in different places: in the hormonal balance, in the nerves, the psyche or – in many cases – in the vascular system. “The penis is the flag of the heart,” says Dr. Horst Hohmuth, urologist, andrologist and sports physician from Ulm. That means: An erectile dysfunction can be an indication of general circulatory problems, according to the pharmacy magazine “Senioren Ratgeber”.

Exercise is good for potency

Studies show that men with vascular erectile dysfunction have a significantly increased risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke within the next ten years. But sufferers can do something about it. “Pay attention to your diet, reduce your body weight if necessary and be physically active on a regular basis,” advises Professor Dr. Frank Sommer, urologist in Hamburg and President of the German Society for Men and Health. Movement stimulates the blood circulation, the vessels are well flushed. “What is good for the circulation is good for potency,” says urologist Horst Hohmuth. In any case, discuss with your family doctor how fit you are and which sports are suitable.

However, underlying diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure must be ruled out or treated accordingly. Obesity, smoking and taking certain medications also play a role. For more specific examinations, affected men need an appointment with a urologist. The blood flow in the penile vessels, for example, is measured there and the overall condition of the tissue is assessed using ultrasound (Doppler sonography). Even if this is already damaged, the condition can often be improved with special training programs.

Twelve-week program via “potency app”

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Since the end of 2021, for example, there has been a “potency app” that can be prescribed by a doctor. The costs are borne by the statutory health insurance companies. The twelve-week program consists of exercises for the pelvic floor, physical therapy and cardiovascular training. A must: stay tuned even after the program is over! In addition, depending on the cause, there are other treatment options for erectile dysfunction – medicinal as well as mechanical solutions.

This report is only free for publication if the source is cited. The pharmacy magazine “Senioren Ratgeber” 07/2023 is currently available in most pharmacies. There is much more interesting health news at www.senioren-ratgeber.de and on Facebook.

Press contact:

Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR Manager
Tel.: 089/744 33-360
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell

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