Home » Excessive dental sensitivity: what can be the causes and how to intervene to enjoy the summer delights without fear

Excessive dental sensitivity: what can be the causes and how to intervene to enjoy the summer delights without fear

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Excessive dental sensitivity: what can be the causes and how to intervene to enjoy the summer delights without fear

Excessive dental sensitivity can be a serious problem, which can also make eating difficult. Fortunately, it is possible to fix it.

Keeping the oral cavity in good health becomes essential, above all because it is a problem that can also cause disturbances to other organs if not resolved in a timely manner.

It certainly happened to everyone at least once to have a headache, but it cannot be traced back to a simple migraine, but to a consequence of a bad tooth, which requires the intervention of the dentist. Furthermore, there are not a few people who have experienced back pain as a result of untreated caries.

However, excessive mental sensitivity should not be underestimated, which can occur on several occasions and make it difficult to even eat a food that you particularly love. At that point it becomes practically automatic to stop chewing to quell the discomfort.

Excessive dental sensitivity: a problem that should not be underestimated

We often hear of people complaining that they have sensitive teeth, but one may think that it is not one of these despite the fact that it is a situation experienced on several occasions but the details of which are not known. Those who suffer from excessive tooth sensitivity may experience a stinging or sharp pain when he is chewing a food or even just when the tooth enters in contact with a substance that is too hot or coldas can simply be water.

What are the most common causes of dental sensitivity (tantasalute.it)

On some occasions the problem can also be generated simply through the action of the toothbrush, used more vigorously than usual. Stopping that action becomes natural, hoping to be able to return to normal within a few seconds, which actually occurs.

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Understand them cause however it becomes important, in such a way as to ensure that that annoyance tends to be eliminated permanently. If it is a pathology this can lead to this malaise in case of advanced or initial caries (it all depends on the pain threshold level of the person feeling unwell), dental trauma or repeated microtraumatisms, enamel wear generated by bruxism (nocturnal grinding), excessive frequency or intensity of brushing the teeth.

Sometimes, however, the problem can occur without having a real disease which requires the use of the dentist. These are those situations that can be the consequence of dental therapies, such as scaling, or actual surgical interventions, but also of gingival resection, which can be typical of those who are no longer very young or caused by brushing performed too forcefully, but which we realize only after the fact.

How to fix excessive tooth sensitivity

Suffering from excessive dental sensitivity on a continuous basis can be almost disabling because it can lead you to stop eating things you have a greedy for or even just fear of doing so. Anyone with this problem shouldn’t break down, find one solution it is however possible.

The best remedies to solve dental sensitivity (tantasalute.it)

The first step to take must be to contact the dentist, who will personally verify if there are pathological causes, such as caries, which cause it. If so, an operation will be scheduled to perform the filling.

If you don’t feel any problems, however, it can be useful change your daily routine through the use of mouthwashes and toothpastes or other remineralizing substances, which can protect the damaged enamel. Fluoride, in particular, is useful for its mineralizing capacity on the surfaces of the tooth enamel (“hardening”) of young people and remineralization on that of adults.

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If one is found gum recession, it may be essential to plan a useful intervention with the doctor to cover the root that gives pain. It’s good to know how enamel erosion it may also be due to the excessive consumption of certain foods, such as fruit salad, orange juice, oranges, lemons, iced tea, tomatoes and carbonated drinks.

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