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Exploring Disease X: Symptoms and Preventive Measures to Combat the Next Global Pandemic

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Exploring Disease X: Symptoms and Preventive Measures to Combat the Next Global Pandemic

What is Disease X? The symptoms of the new very dangerous virus have been revealed: here’s how to prevent contagion.

Experts have no doubts: a new pandemic will hit the world‘s population. In fact, they are already studying how it can be demonstrated and what to do to avoid the terrible consequences caused by past pandemics, such as the one from Covid.

New Disease X: what are the symptoms – Thewisemagazine.it

The alarm due to this forecast has already given rise to a whole series of studies on what it is currently called Disease X and therefore on the preventive measures to be taken when the new pandemic begins to spread in Europe and the rest of the globe.

Disease X, the new pandemic risk and the most frequent symptoms

As you read on the page of The messenger, Jenny Harries, chief executive of UK Health Security, spoke on the spread and development of a possible next disease, due to currently unknown pathogens. Here’s what she said: “We must build on the excellent work done during the Covid and use the accumulated experience against any future pandemic threat.”

New Disease X: what are the symptoms -Thewisemagazine.it

Apparently the possibility that a new pandemic could affect the whole world is a certain fact. In fact, according to the scientific community, the Disease X. This means that we have the certainty that other pandemics in the future will put global health at risk, and the Disease X it is a deliberately generic name which was specially coined by medical experts to identify an unknown but potentially dangerous disease for humans.

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WHO, the National Institute for World Health, wanted to use this term to identify a list of dangerous pathogens, believed to give rise to the next global epidemic. In short, similarly to what happened in the past, with the viruses that triggered the epidemics spread globally, so also the Disease X it can spread like wildfire very quickly.

According to experts the cause will be a bacterium or a virus which will look somewhat like the Spanish flu that spread in the early 1900s, or HIV and AIDS. Clearly now we do not know all the specific symptoms of disease X, but it is already known that the most frequent ones will be exactly the same ones that have been found for others respiratory infectious diseases of the past: weakness, general malaise and asthenia. Cough, fever. Respiratory problems.

To prevent it, and keep the spread of the next pandemic under control, a series of measures will need to be implemented prevention and control measures. It is not just a question of alarmism because the risk of the new pandemic viruses is real, which is why we will have to focus on research and prevention, in order to prevent the Disease X can generate the same consequences we have seen with COVID-19.

The UK is already preparing to this eventuality, so much so that it was recently inaugurated a large high tech laboratory in Wiltshire, in which over 200 industry experts will work. The same measure should be taken by other countries, including Italy, to better cope with the next pandemic.

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