Home » Fag is cool again – Experts and young smokers have their sights set on 2 culprits

Fag is cool again – Experts and young smokers have their sights set on 2 culprits

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Fag is cool again – Experts and young smokers have their sights set on 2 culprits

The number of young smokers in Germany is surprisingly increasing, as reported by the editorial network Germany (RND). According to the scientific survey Debra, the proportion of 14- to 17-year-olds who smoke rose to 15.9 percent in 2022, compared to 8.7 percent in 2021. Among 18- to 24-year-olds the figure is Even more than 40 percent.

The reasons for this increase are not yet clear. Daniel Kotz, head of Debra, suspects a connection with the crises of recent years, such as financial stress or experiences during the corona pandemic. However, there is no scientific evidence for this theory. A survey of young people shows that smoking often serves to compensate for stress.

2 possible causes: movies and music scene

Another possible factor could be the influence of 1990s pop culture, as Tim and Anna Lena, two students from Ennepetal, explain to RND. Smoking characters in films, series and music videos could convey an “extravagant, extraordinary vibe” and tempt young people to imitate. For example, the streaming service Netflix under criticism because the depiction of smoking people in its productions is increasing.

According to the report, another influence on the smoking behavior of young people could be the music scene. Rappers address smoking cigarettes in their songs and music videos and even market hookah tobacco and so-called vapes.

In order to counteract the negative trend, schools such as the Ennepetal vocational college have taken measures. There is a group of students there who inform their classmates about the dangers of smoking and develop concepts to make the school and the surrounding area smoke-free. This is part of the “Specht” model project (addiction prevention at vocational schools), in which six schools in North Rhine-Westphalia are taking part.

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Integrate smoking prevention into the classroom

The school also offers other addiction prevention projects and plans to integrate smoking prevention into the classroom. School social worker Vanessa Nierlich told RND that the efforts are already beginning to bear fruit, as some students have expressed a desire to quit smoking. They receive support from the school social worker Nierlich and the Caritas addiction counseling center.

The environmental aspect plays an increasingly important role for many young smokers, since the production of tobacco produces 84 million tons of CO₂ every year and billions of cigarette butts end up in nature. Tim, a student from Ennepetal, sees this as a reason to at least reduce smoking. However, he finds it difficult to quit completely because the topic is firmly anchored in his environment and many of his friends also smoke.

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