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Fedez reappears and clarifies his health problems: I took the wrong psychotropic drugs

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Fedez reappears and clarifies his health problems: I took the wrong psychotropic drugs

Through a series of stories published on Instagram, Fedez explains his health problems to his followers, linked to the heavy nervous tics and stuttering of recent weeks, preventing him from taking part in various appointments: “I was nauseous, I had spasms in my legs, I struggled to walk. But now I’m better.” And he defends his wife Chiara Ferragni: “The only one to be close to me, a storm of m ** from the media hit her”.

After days of silence, in which he had announced his intention to take a break from social media, Fedez reappears on Instagram to explain to his followers what happened and give updates on his health conditions, after the images in which he struggled to speak due to heavy nervous tics and stuttering. With a series of stories on Instagram, she explained better what her current hers are health conditions:

I want to thank you for the messages of closeness and I want to tell you everything. Every day news about me and my family comes out that doesn’t correspond to the truth and it’s only right that I tell you what happened. Unfortunately I have to start from when I was diagnosed with cancer. As privileged as it may be, it was a very traumatic event and only today did I realize how little I took care of my mental health compared to this event, relying only on psychiatric drugs, until I found one that wasn’t really right for me.

Fedez then goes into the details of what happened: “Since January I have been prescribed this very strong antidepressant which has changed me a lot, agitating me a lot, also giving me very strong physical side effects, to the point of causing nervous tics in my mouth which prevented me from speaking freely. Having given me strong side effects, I had to suspend it without decreasing it, which is usually not done unless there are important risks. I was forced to suspend it and it caused a rebound effect”. The artist then explains his absence from various events and appointments for which he was expected in the last few days, from the presentation of LOL 3 to the testimony for the trial relating to the Corinaldo massacre, for which he requested exemption by presenting a medical certificate:

In addition to giving me a cognitive fog, it gave me leg spasms that made me unable to walk for days, dizziness, nausea, weight loss, not a good thing. I couldn’t do my job, which is why I wasn’t at the presentation of LOL and the trial for the Corinaldo massacre and other things. To date I’m not yet one hundred percent, but day after day I improve.

A passage on the family question and the relationship with Chiara Ferragni is inevitable, on which many clouds seemed to have gathered in recent weeks: “although this period has been quite unhappy, it has made me understand so many things, how much I want to focus on my mental health and above all how much I want to spend time with my family and my wife, about whom all sorts of things have been said in this period . Instead he is the only person who has been close to me, he had to suffer an incredible storm of media shit. In short, if I can give you some advice it is that whatever traumatic event happens to you, take care of your mental health and your wounds, because if you won’t do it they will be the ones to claim the need to be treated even in the ugliest possible way. This is the summary of my two shitty months. I still wanted to thank my wife, she had to look after a whole family and me, it’s not for nothing taken for granted. I’m a lucky man.”

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