Home » Few buy it but this ubiquitous fish is an unsuspected source of vitamin B12

Few buy it but this ubiquitous fish is an unsuspected source of vitamin B12

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To feel good, we need to take in all the nutrients our body needs. In this regard, a varied and healthy diet can come to our aid. Among the foods generally recommended by experts who cannot miss at the table we find fish. Its benefits are endless and it is difficult to list them all one by one.

At the supermarket we often see the same faces, that is fish that we find practically everywhere. Salmon, tuna, anchovies are among these and are certainly good for health. But some types that we buy less frequently know how to nourish our body in equal measure. An example above all concerns a fish that lives in almost every aquatic environment, but which we often ignore. Let’s deepen the reading to understand which one it is.

Few buy it but this ubiquitous fish is an unsuspected source of vitamin B12

Vitamin b12 is very important for our body, but it is equally true that its deficiency is common. The blame goes to the inability of our organism to self-produce it. For this we can only integrate it with nutrition. The ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) reminds us that vitamin B12 is essential for the functions of the brain and red blood cells. The recommended daily doses are around 2 mg for adults.

To stock up on b12, we should integrate specific foods into our diet. An example are animal products such as liver, lean ham, hard-boiled eggs and cheeses such as Camembert or Emmentaler.

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Alternatively, we could use a fish that we all certainly know, but which perhaps we did not know was a mine of vitamin B12. Who are we talking about? Some delicious trout. Few buy it but this ubiquitous fish is an unsuspected source of vitamin B12, essential for us as this study demonstrates. 100 grams of trout can contain up to 4.5 micrograms of vitamin B12, more than cooked salmon. That’s why we should no longer underestimate the properties of this delicious fish.


“8 highly regarded fish are a mine of vitamin D according to experts”.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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