Home Ā» Few people know how to eliminate abdominal and hip fat quickly even in menopause with these exercises to achieve a flat stomach soon

Few people know how to eliminate abdominal and hip fat quickly even in menopause with these exercises to achieve a flat stomach soon

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Few people know how to eliminate abdominal and hip fat quickly even in menopause with these exercises to achieve a flat stomach soon

We try them all in order to lose weight. Crash diets and fasting, but the results are not seen. First of all, we specify that these are absolutely wrong tracks. In fact, all doctors recommend having 5 meals a day and taking all macronutrients daily, from proteins to carbohydrates.

Maybe we can lose weight but, as soon as we lose, the pounds we have lost will be regained in no time. So, if abdominal fat is the problem, we’re definitely not on the right diet.

Furthermore, it is important to know that as we age, the metabolism tends to slow down. What needs to be done, therefore, is to adopt a healthy and balanced meal plan, with foods that speed up the metabolism. For this, we consult the doctor and do not rely, instead, on do-it-yourself diets.

Abdominal fat and menopause

Then, with the arrival of menopause, it is easier to gain weight. And the fat settles mainly on the abdomen and hips. The Veronesi Foundation claims that abdominal fat in menopause could be a risk factor for some cancers affecting the breast and endometrium.

Also, if we have these waist measurements, we could be suffering from high blood pressure. That is why it is essential to try to reduce it as much as possible. First of all, for a health issue and, subsequently, for an aesthetic factor.

Few people know how to eliminate abdominal and hip fat quickly even in menopause with these exercises to achieve a flat stomach soon

According to what has been said so far, we should consult our doctor to prescribe a balanced diet that, possibly, speeds up the metabolism. Your doctor will also recommend physical activity. In addition to running and walking, some targeted exercises may be helpful.

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The first two exercises are called bicycle, but while the first is performed standing, the other is performed lying on the mat. Then, standing position and legs slightly apart. We raise the knee as much as possible, touching it with the elbow. It is important that the back remains straight.

In the one to be performed lying down, on the other hand, you have to put your hands behind your head which must necessarily remain raised throughout the exercise, while your legs must not touch the mat. We lift first one leg and then the other trying to touch the elbow.

The third exercise involves the rotation of the trunk. With closed fists, we close our arms as if we wanted to parry and rotate the entire upper part, contracting the abdominals and keeping both legs and pelvis straight and still.

The fourth exercise is the leg raise. Lying supine on the mat, we put our arms under the buttocks and lift the legs together. In the sixth exercise, we must keep the back tilted and the knees bent and the feet raised. We rotate the trunk left and right.

The last exercise is the heel touch. Lying with the legs apart, we raise the back and head and, keeping the abdominals contracted, we move both to the right and to the left to touch the heels. That’s why few know how to get rid of belly and hip fat more easily through proper nutrition and sports.

Recommended reading

Here’s how to walk to achieve flat stomach and sculpted physique goals as well as reduce bad cholesterol

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