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Few people know that this vegetable protects eyesight, heart and intestines and fights cancer

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A vegetable originally from South America but which is now grown everywhere and is typical of the summer season. It has amazing nutritional properties, which many ignore, such as vitamin D, which is contained in large quantities, more than any other vegetable or fruit. In addition, it contains specific substances that help fight some serious health diseases. In fact, few know that this vegetable protects eyesight, heart and intestines and fights tumors.

Many fruits and vegetables contain substances that are beneficial to human health and help fight diseases. For example, blueberry is a cure-all against blood sugar. With a diet without this fruit you risk weight gain and diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension.

Pepper also has exceptional nutritional qualities. This vegetable is rich in minerals, especially potassium, but it also has iron, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. It is also a highly low-calorie food, thanks to the presence of fiber and a lot of water. A portion of 100 grams provides the body with only 31 calories. So you can eat it in quantity, also because it has beneficial properties for sight, heart, intestines and fights cancer.

Few people know that this vegetable protects eyesight, heart and intestines and fights cancer

Pepper contains substances that help counteract tumor activities. The study also reveals it: β-Cryptoxanthin Reduced Lung Tumor Multiplicity and Inhibited Lung Cancer Cell Motility. This research has shown that a substance present in pepper, betacryptoxanthin, reduces the growth of lung cancer. According to Professor Xiang-Dong Wang, author of the study, foods high in carotenoids counteract the risk of lung cancer. Peppers, especially yellow peppers, are rich in carotenoids.

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But the pepper also brings benefits to the heart thanks to quercetin. Some research shows that foods rich in this substance are inversely related to the onset of cardiovascular disease. In the study: The Efficacy of Quercetin in Cardiovascular Health, Professor Nicola Bondono highlights the beneficial effects of quercetin on the heart.

The pepper is also a friend of the intestine and sight. The richness of water and fiber of the pepper are a panacea for our digestive system. But this vegetable also has a protective function for the eyes. In fact, carotenoids together with vitamins C and E help prevent degenerative diseases of the retina.

To find out any cardiovascular pathologies, it is necessary to carry out specific tests.


These 7 tests reveal if the heart is sick and if we risk a heart attack

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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