Home » Fictitious capital gains and state aid: the new papers that worry Santanchè

Fictitious capital gains and state aid: the new papers that worry Santanchè

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Fictitious capital gains and state aid: the new papers that worry Santanchè

Irregular balance sheets, non-existent credits, transfers of company branches with fictitious capital gains because the accounts were overstated. And, again, strange drainages of money from these companies that certainly weren’t sailing in gold for loans that were only partially collected and also given to third-party companies but always attributable to her, the minister Daniela Santanchè: the queen of the Visibilia galaxy ended up at the center of the investigation by the Milan prosecutor’s office for false accounting. The Republic reports it in an article in which she explains:

The Milan prosecutor’s office has just delivered two technical reports in a second civil proceeding opened after the complaints of the small shareholders of Visibilia editore spa (listed on the stock exchange) which in recent years have seen the value of the shares reduced from 40 to 0.20 EUR. Two expert reports that highlight “several anomalies” in the galaxy made up of five companies set up like Chinese boxes: Visibilia editore holding, Visibilia editore spa, Visibilia srl, Visibilia editora srl ​​and Visibilia concessionaire.

Not only. Because among the cards that concern the Minister of Tourism there would also be state aid. In fact, La Stampa writes:

The Democratic Party is already moving and taking a step further, asking Santanché to account for a 2.7 million euro loan that the minister allegedly obtained from the state. It is Senator Antonio Misiani who presents an urgent question, calling into question the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the Minister of Labor Elvira Calderone and the Minister of Enterprise Adolfo Urso. He would like to have explanations on the 2.7 million loan disbursed to the Santanché company «Ki Group» by the SME heritage fund. Resources with which the minister should have paid suppliers and employees, which instead seem not to have been paid at all.

“From public documents”, reads the question that La Stampa was able to view, “it appears that the minister, through the real estate company Dani srl, is a shareholder of the Ki Group (in turn controlled by people attributable to her family) and is been the recipient of numerous state aids, including a tax credit of 600 thousand euros and the Invitalia loan of 2.7 million euros”. Loans disbursed as “aid related to the Covid emergency”. Money that Invitalia then asked for back, making Santanché “currently in debt to the state”.

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