Home » Figging: More and more people are using ginger during sex – that’s what’s behind it

Figging: More and more people are using ginger during sex – that’s what’s behind it

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Figging: More and more people are using ginger during sex – that’s what’s behind it

Spicy game Figging: More and more people are using ginger during sex – that’s what’s behind it

More and more couples are relying on ginger during sex.

© Evgeny Lonskov / Getty Images

Is there a lack of spice in your sex life? More and more couples are now relying on ginger in bed. This ensures that the act is spicy. Is it dangerous?

It’s nothing new that people turn to vegetables during sex. Cucumber, zucchini, carrot – anything that is phallic is converted into a sex toy. Currently, many lovers have discovered ginger. The rather misshapen tuber with the rough surface is said to literally provide hotness during lovemaking. This sex trend is called figging – and it’s not without it.

Figging, translated as stimulating, originally comes from the BDSM scene. So the sexual variety in which bondage, dominance and submission as well as (pleasure) pain play a major role. In BDSM, figging is often used as a means of punishment. But couples who consider themselves to be more vanilla are also increasingly bringing ginger into their bedroom. Behind this lies the attraction of pain.


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During figging, the ginger is inserted into the vagina or anus. To do this, the tuber is first cut into shape. The ginger ingredients provide a special kick. If these come into contact with the mucous membranes, they ensure increased blood circulation, heat development and trigger the pain of pleasure. The relevant areas are not injured. The effect is said to prolong the man’s erection and intensify the orgasm.

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But it’s also a game with pain. Once the mucous membranes come into contact with the essential oils, the effects of the substances begin. Even if the tuber is removed straight away, the effect lasts. And that lasts about 30 minutes. A careful approach to this sexual practice is therefore recommended. It is also important to remember that intensity is related to the freshness of the ginger. The fresher the tuber, the more powerful the oils in it are. Basically, only peeled pieces of ginger should be inserted and never switched between the vagina and anus. If you don’t want to try using the tuber, you can also experiment with powder or ginger juice.



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