Home » Fight against mosquitoes, Emilia-Romagna’s 2023 regional arbovirus plan is ready — Health

Fight against mosquitoes, Emilia-Romagna’s 2023 regional arbovirus plan is ready — Health

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Fight against mosquitoes, Emilia-Romagna’s 2023 regional arbovirus plan is ready — Health

Donini: “It is important to prepare in time, the contribution of citizens is fundamental”

800 thousand euros from the Region to support the pest control activities carried out by the Municipalities. And the commitment to informing continues, even in schools

April 26, 2023 – Always on guard against mosquitoes, and above all against the viral diseases potentially serious that they can transmit. With the recovery, after the pandemic, of international travel to countries where the circulation of viruses responsible for Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika is endemic, increases the import risk of confirmed cases of these infectious diseases.

In Emilia Romagna is ready the Regional plan for the surveillance and control of arboviruses 2023approved by Giunta and developed by the regional technical group, together with the representatives of the local social and health conferences, of the public health departments of the local health authorities and of the provincial capitals. A plan that the Region finances with 800 thousand eurosto support the disinfestation activities carried out by the Municipalities.

It does not change, given the good results obtained, the prevention strategy used, which passes through three instruments: entomological surveillanceto which to associate an activity of contrast to mosquitoes, starting from the tiger ones, to reduce their population density in the area; early detection of suspected cases of disease, so as to timely implement control measures to prevent the chain of transmission of the virus from infected mosquitoes to people; further strengthening of measures to prevent the transmission of infections when donating blood, organs and tissues.

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And if the goal is common, common it must also be the commitment: to make the fight against mosquitoes as effective as possible, in activities other than Common e Healthcare companies i are also involved citizens, called to adopt correct behavior in their homes, starting with larvicidal treatments, both to avoid the proliferation of insects and to protect themselves. THE sites at risk of infestation from mosquitoes in public areas represent only 20-30% of the total, the remaining 70-80% of risk areas are privately owned.

“We are ready with the 2023 Plan, which as always sees institutions and citizens side by side in the common commitment to prevent and combat the proliferation of mosquitoes – underlines the regional councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini-. The disinfestation interventions carried out by the Municipalities, in fact, even if very accurate, concern only public areas, therefore it is important to adopt correct behaviors in your own home. It is a public health issue, for which everyone’s contribution is necessary, including the world of information”.

The commitment of Municipalities, Ausl and citizens

Municipalities are required to implement ordinary measures to combat the proliferation of mosquitoes in urban areas (larvicidal treatments on public land and activities involving citizens for the correct management of private areas), as well as the timely implementation of extraordinary disinfestation interventions in case of confirmed viral circulation. There health surveillance on cases of Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika and West Nile disease takes place throughout the year, but during the period of activity of the vector, therefore from 1^ maggio to 31 October, is enhanced. During the same period, entomological surveillance was active (in the 10 provincial capitals with egg traps and in rural areas with adult mosquito traps) conducted under the supervision of the Regional Technical Group and the effective collaboration of Izler (Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna) e Arpae (Regional agency for prevention, the environment and energy).

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The commitment of the Region to inform, even in schools

For years the Region has been promoting and realizing information campaigns aimed at the population, with the aim of providing citizens with indications on the actions to be implemented to help reduce the level of mosquito infestation (correct behavior for the management of outbreaks in the private sphere), advice to protect themselves from bites and precautions to be taken if you travel to countries at risk. The promotion of correct behavior that citizens must adopt is also carried out through a specific project aimed at primary and secondary schools in Emilia-Romagna, in collaboration with the Network of Sustainability Education Centres.

The project “Contrast the spread of the tiger mosquito”, included in the Region’s information and education program on sustainability for the three-year period 2020-2022, it was extended also for the 2023 with particular attention to education, environment and health.

All information is available on the site https://www.zanzaratigreonline.it/ constantly updated by the regional technical group. On all material on the communication campaign “Mosquitoes and other insects, learn to defend yourself”while the 2023 regional arbovirus surveillance and control plan can be consulted on

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