Home » Fissures in the breast after childbirth: how to prevent them from arising, how to attach the baby and how to cure them

Fissures in the breast after childbirth: how to prevent them from arising, how to attach the baby and how to cure them

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Fissures in the breast after childbirth: how to prevent them from arising, how to attach the baby and how to cure them

Breast fissures are one of the most common problems when you start breastfeeding your baby but they can be avoided.

Fissures are real wounds that are created on the nipple and throughout the areola area. Being a very delicate area of ​​the body it is easy for this to happen and that these are also very painful. In addition to hurting, however, these are a source of stress because they create a gap with the little one. Especially at the beginning to start breastfeeding it is useful to be careful, this is the moment in which the biggest problems arise such as mastitis and canal blockage.

Indeed, fissures are very painful and often mothers who have given birth recently suffer from it with a great incidence. This can lead not only to great discomfort for women but also to the impossibility of continuing to breastfeed.

For this reason it is important to attack the well bambino from the beginning so as to prevent the problem and prevent these from arising.

Breast fissures: how to avoid them and how to attach the baby

Therefore, to avoid the formation of fissures, it is important to pay attention to some ‘signals’. Only in this way, not only are you not sure of not feeling pain and, therefore, of not running into more ‘serious’ problems, but you are also sure that breastfeeding is proceeding in the right direction.

Breastfeeding after childbirth, how to attach the baby (tantasalute.it)

Prevention avoids repercussions on women’s health and also pain. The personal after childbirth should show the mother how to attach the baby, then the fundamental practices to create this bond immediately. Despite the indications, however, it is not always easy, especially when it comes to the first child or when the newborn falls asleep and does not eat. They always start as small cuts o cracks. These are very small signs, which can hardly be seen with the naked eye, but which slowly grow, becoming more and more painful and, in the most serious cases, even start to bleed.

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To avoid this, always check that the baby latches well, that the nose is at nipple height and that the head is slightly inclined. The ‘details’ to which attention must be paid, which are nothing more than ‘symptoms’ that mother and child are well connected, are:

  • Absence of pain;
  • The little one has fish-shaped lips, making a sucker on the mother’s skin;
  • His cheek is full because he’s actually suckling;
  • Absence of noise.

If, on the other hand, you feel annoyed, you see that it is difficult for you to eat, your head is twisted or it makes strange noises, then there is something wrong in the right direction.

Care must be taken when unplugging the baby each time at the end of the feed, to help you, you can use your little finger by inserting it at the end of the baby’s mouth. Otherwise, just the forced detachment can cause irritation. With these simple practices the situation should be under control and fissures should not take over the skin.

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