Home » Food, there are those who really shouldn’t touch red meat: are you there too?

Food, there are those who really shouldn’t touch red meat: are you there too?

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Food, there are those who really shouldn’t touch red meat: are you there too?

Among the most talked about foods in recent years, there is undoubtedly red meat. Its consumption has been linked to major health problems. Precisely in this regard, there are those who really shouldn’t touch red meat.

It is certainly one of the most debated topics in recent months. On the one hand, there are those who argue that the consumption of red meat inevitably involves damage to health. On the opposite side, there are those who argue that there is no connection between the consumption of this food and the onset of diseases. However, according to experts there are some people who, to avoid risks, must necessarily avoid the consumption of red meat, let’s see who.

red meat who cannot eat solofinanza.it

The answer to this question is not the same for everyone. In fact, a lot depends on the type and amount of meat you eat, as well as how often it is consumed.

Let’s start by saying that it is still an excellent source of protein, iron and vitamin B12, necessary for various processes in our body. However, as with so many other foods, excessive consumption of red meat could have negative health effects.

In fact, it is good to remember that this contains a large amount of saturated fat (about 50% of the total), dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, the consumption of large quantities of meat is associated with health problems such as: gout, bone and joint disorders and kidney problems. In addition to gastritis, ulcers, oesophageal reflux and tumors. Finally, it must be remembered that it is not only the red meat itself that is dangerous, but also how it is cooked. The cooking of the meat should be given a lot of importance. For example, if you grill it, the meat burns and this can cause it to contain highly toxic and harmful carcinogenic agents.

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In light of the above, there are some people who, for health reasons, should categorically avoid red meat. Let’s see who it is.

According to experts, there are categories of people who should avoid eating red meat. For example, those who suffer from high cholesterol and who is affected by heart disease, he should be very cautious in his intake of red meat. This is because it is a food extremely rich in fats that can be harmful for those suffering from these diseases.

feeding red meat
red meat supply solofinanza.it

Furthermore, it is those who suffer from it who must categorically avoid the intake of this food alpha syndrome – Gal (alpha – Gal Syndrome, AGS, also known as red meat allergy, tick meat allergy, and alpha – gal allergy). It is a very serious and life-threatening type of allergic reaction to red meat as well as other mammalian derivatives.

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