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free visits for chronic low back pain in Rome

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The third edition of CronOs, Chronicity and Osteopathy, kicks off: from 17 to 23 April, on the occasion of the International Osteopathy Week, 30 offices in Rome and its province will open their doors for a first free evaluation for patients suffering from chronic low back pain.

The project, promoted by the ROI – Register of Osteopaths of Italy, aims to inform citizens of the support that osteopathy can offer to patients with chronic disorders and to boost scientific research in this specific field of health.

How to book a free visit

You can book your appointment on the cronos.roi.it website. Patients will be able to locate the osteopath participating in the initiative closest to them through the interactive map available here. Once the choice has been made, patients will receive the telephone contact of the selected professional via SMS to schedule the appointment.

Low back pain: first cause of disability

The CronOs 2023 edition focuses on low back pain, which is now recognized as the leading cause of disability in Italy and in the world. It is estimated that around 80% of the population has experienced this type of pain at least once in their life, from children to the elderly population. According to data published by the Global Burden of Disease, the largest international epidemiological study of the causes of death and disability worldwide, disability and costs attributed to low back pain are expected to increase in the coming decades.

The role of the osteopath in cases of low back pain

Low back pain is the first cause of osteopathic consultation. There is numerous scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of osteopathy in reducing the intensity of pain and improving the quality of life of patients and manual treatment has been included in international guidelines as a therapy for low back pain, together with style correction of life.

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“Chronic low back pain is a very common condition, which can affect all age groups – said Paola Sciomachen, President of ROI – In our studies there are patients who carry out strenuous physical jobs, but also professionals who spend a lot of time standing or who adopt incorrect postures in front of the computer. This condition can also afflict pregnant women and occurs in children more frequently than you think. During the first meeting, the osteopath collects detailed information on the symptoms, the general state of health and the previous clinical history, to better understand the subjective variables of pain. The objective examination and osteopathic tests guide towards the choice of the most appropriate treatment, which is shared and formulated also in the light of the patient’s expectations. The objective of osteopathic manual treatment is to contain pain, improve joint mobility and the state of muscle tension and thus guarantee the patient greater safety in daily movements”.

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