Home » From the eyes to the heart: for patients a direct line to prevention and diagnosis with four toll-free numbers

From the eyes to the heart: for patients a direct line to prevention and diagnosis with four toll-free numbers

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Four toll-free numbers of public utility to create a direct line with citizens and talk about prevention and early diagnosis of various pathologies which, if discovered in time, can be cured and defeated. They are launched by four scientific societies on the occasion of as many awareness days scheduled in March: World Kidney Day (March 9), National Heart Day (March 14), National Ophthalmology Day (March 22) and World Endometriosis Day (March 28).

Kidney and heart: here are the toll-free numbers of nephrologists and cardiologists

The companies are affiliated to the Fism (Italian federation of medical scientific societies) and the initiative was presented to the Ministry of Health with the participation of the Minister Horace Schillaci. From 9 March the Italian Society of Nephrology will make the toll-free number 800962256 active: nephrologists will provide information to combat chronic kidney disease. The goal is to let citizens know that a few checks, once a year, are enough to diagnose it in time and avoid extreme consequences up to dialysis and transplantation. On March 14, however, theNational Association of Cardiologists hospital workers will start the toll-free number 800052233. Cardiological prevention, the specialists say, is in fact even more crucial after the pandemic, since Covid has affected cardiovascular health and in subjects affected by the infection there has been a 25% increase in cardiovascular diseases.

Eyesight problems and endometriosis: the other numbers at the start

But the commitment of the Scientific Societies also concerns other widespread disorders: in particular those related to vision and then endometriosis. March 22 will therefore be the turn of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology with the toll-free number 800189441, to remember that the diseases that endanger sight affect over 3 million people and even more are those at risk because the incidence of various pathologies, from glaucoma to maculopathy, increases with age . Finally, on March 28, the Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics will activate the toll-free number 800592782 to provide information and advice on endometriosis, remembering that 30% of women with reproductive problems recognize this pathology as the cause of infertility.

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Schillaci: prevention and early diagnosis make the difference

For the Minister of Health Schillaci prevention and early diagnosis «can make the difference in treatment and quality of life. Information is therefore important and thanks to the toll-free numbers citizens will have an additional tool for obtaining answers and advice. Sometimes it doesn’t take much, even a simple urine test, to get an alert and be able to promptly discover a disease”. “I am strongly convinced – continued the minister – that investing in prevention is essential to have fewer patients in the future for the benefit of public health, for the benefit of people’s health and also for the sustainability of our national health system”. And in particular – concluded Schillaci – many diseases related to the kidney, the eyes, the heart are silent, hidden and often sneaky. This is why the commitment to prevention must always be supported».

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