Home » Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II vandalized in Milan, daubed with spray paint

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II vandalized in Milan, daubed with spray paint

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Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II vandalized in Milan, daubed with spray paint

The entrance arch of the Vittorio Emanuele II gallery in Piazza Duomo in Milan was vandalised. On Monday evening, three young men dressed in black climbed onto the monument, watched by passers-by and tourists in the square, and traced their “signatures” with cans of green and blue spray paint: some graffiti or “tags”, drawings and stylized writings (including some arrows, a five-pointed star and the word “king” followed by a heart), clearly visible from the ground.

The incident took place around 10.30 pm, and in a video posted on social networks, the writers are seen in action, who then fled. Many of those present expressed their dissent with whistles addressed to the vandals. Some agents of the Duomo nucleus of the local police gave the alarm and immediately went up, but in the meantime the three had escaped into the maze of the roofs. Digos and the firefighters also intervened, who illuminated the Gallery with photoelectric lights, but no trace of the perpetrators. Investigations are underway to identify the perpetrators of the act.

“Anger and disgust. This is the sentiment of all of Milan at the sight of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II hit by these vandals», declares Michele Albiani, president of the commission for safety in the municipality, and continues: «The perpetrators of this insult to the whole city must be caught and punished. At the same time one wonders how they managed to get up there to make that abomination. Whoever allowed this to happen, in the same way as the vandals, must be punished in an exemplary manner”. – «Endless shame», is the comment of the deputy prime minister and secretary of the League Matteo Salvini, who shared the video of the three writers in action on Facebook.

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