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Gastric reflux: foods and eating habits absolutely to avoid

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Gastric reflux: foods and eating habits absolutely to avoid

Gastric reflux, notoriously the primary cause of “heartburn” can be a lot bothersome ed disabling.

To combat it, in the most serious cases, drug therapy is required together with a diet.

Let’s see which lifestyle to adopt in case you suffer from reflux.

Diet and Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle and diet are an essential elementtogether with a possible therapeutic approach in the most serious cases.

Small and frequent meals

With reflux it is good to do little ones frequent meals and avoid big binges. It is precisely the large binges and prolonged fasting that cause an exacerbation of the reflux syndrome.

To remedy the problem, yes to meals of small but frequent portions.

NO instead of skipping meals.

Don’t go to sleep right after dinner

The supine position it tends to facilitate the ascent of the juices into the esophagus. For this reason, those who suffer from reflux should have finished eating before going to sleep for at least two hours. First there is a risk that digestion is still in progress, and therefore the gastric juices go up even more easily into the esophagus causing burning.

It would also be a good habit, however, never lie down after mealsbut maintain an upright position until digestion is complete, even during the day.

Pay attention to body weight

Abdominal fat results in elevated intra-abdominal pressure. This affects the structure of the stomach, in particular the cardia, which by weakening allows the gastric juices to rise from the stomach to the esophagus, causing reflux.

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It is therefore necessary to maintain your ideal weight.

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Other causes of increased intra-abdominal pressure

Not only the condition of being overweight, there are other circumstances that cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure:

  • The pregnancyin which the enlarged uterus pushes on the stomach, in addition to the fact that in the last few weeks the weight and size of the baby can press on the cardia
  • The use of belts oh you clothes that are too tight at the waist
  • A very intense set of abs

Foods to avoid

High-fat dips, sauces and acidic foods should definitely be avoided.

Chocolate, mint, raw tomatoes, spirits, sodas, chilli and curry should also be abolished.

Furthermore, cigarette smoke also contributes to reflux in a decisive way.

Foods with a green label

Go ahead instead for lean and protein-rich foods: fish, seafood, fresh vegetables, whole and low-fat foods, as well as fruit low in citric acid such as melons, pears, apples, bananas and berries.

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