Home » German Bundestag – Possession and consumption of cannabis should become legal

German Bundestag – Possession and consumption of cannabis should become legal

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German Bundestag – Possession and consumption of cannabis should become legal

Berlin: (hib/PK) The previously illegal drug cannabis is to be legalized for private consumption under certain conditions. The legal possession and consumption of cannabis is intended for adults. Private cultivation, community non-commercial cultivation and the controlled distribution of cannabis by cultivation associations are made possible. The draft law (20/8704) makes it easier to use cannabis responsibly, according to the federal government’s submission.

According to the information, the law aims to contribute to improved health protection, strengthen education and prevention, curb the illegal market for cannabis and improve the protection of children and young people. Current developments show that the consumption of cannabis continues to rise despite the existing prohibition regulations. Cannabis purchased from the black market is often associated with an increased health risk because the content of the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is unknown and may contain toxic additives, impurities and synthetic cannabinoids.

In the future, adults will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption. It should also be possible to grow up to three cannabis plants for personal consumption. However, privately grown cannabis must be protected from access by children and young people. In addition, non-commercial cultivation associations will be allowed to grow cannabis in the future and pass it on to their members for their own consumption.

Strict regulations apply to this. A maximum of 500 members are permitted for the cultivation associations, who must have their place of residence or habitual residence in Germany. Only membership in a cultivation association is permitted. In the cultivation associations, cannabis may only be passed on to members to a limited extent, although membership and age must be verified.

A maximum of 25 grams per day or 50 grams per month may be passed on to members. The distribution of cannabis to adolescents between the ages of 18 and 21 is permitted at 30 grams per month with a THC content limit of ten percent. Consumer cannabis may only be distributed as hashish or marijuana in controlled quality and in its pure form. The consumption of cannabis is prohibited in a protection zone of 200 meters around cultivation associations as well as schools, children’s and youth facilities, children’s playgrounds and publicly accessible sports facilities.

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In order to protect children and young people in particular from the drug, there is a general advertising and sponsorship ban for consumer cannabis and cultivation associations. There are also plans to strengthen prevention through an educational campaign by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) about the effects and risks of cannabis.

The amendment will be evaluated for its social impact after four years. The prescription requirement for medical cannabis remains.

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