Home Ā» Great news because dementia and anxiety could be alleviated by a new drug-free form of therapy according to science

Great news because dementia and anxiety could be alleviated by a new drug-free form of therapy according to science

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Great news because dementia and anxiety could be alleviated by a new drug-free form of therapy according to science

Dementia is a neurological disorder that may strike above a certain age. It is estimated that cognitive decline could strike after age 65, regardless of gender. However, it would have been discovered that neurological diseases could also affect those under 40.

In any case, the risk factors linked to dementia, the most severe form of which is Alzheimer’s, could be multiple. Lifestyle could play a fundamental role. For example, the brain would slowly shut down with some bad habits we all have. Unsociality, sedentary lifestyle, poor education and previous illnesses, such as hypertension and diabetes, could be risk factors.

However, people with dementia may suffer more from anxiety. In order to relieve the feeling of anxiety, which could also lead to severe depression, doctors may prescribe specific medications. However, sometimes drug therapy would not give the desired results. In extreme cases, they could even make the situation worse.

This is because neurological diseases would be more complex to treat than purely “physical” ones. However, science never stops and continues with its research. In fact, there would be some great news because dementia and anxiety would have a common denominator: a new cure.

Scientific discovery

The Veronesi Foundation, in the last few days, has been discussing a possible new discovery. The anxiety that would pervade people with dementia could be alleviated through psychotherapy. It would be a therapy based on the word, without resorting to the use of drugs.

The study would have been able to capture an improvement in the management of depression and anxiety and, consequently, also on the cognitive deficit. In fact, through speech, the brain trains and tensions would be released, thus finding a minimum of inner well-being.

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The study was conducted on approximately 2,600 patients, who would have responded better to psychological treatment rather than drug-based treatment. Science, through this important study, suggests continuing on this path in the near future.

Great news because dementia and anxiety could be alleviated by a new drug-free form of therapy according to science

A beautiful discovery, therefore, which focuses on the importance of the word. Confrontation, dialogue, socializing, recounting memories would be the way to go, so that people with dementia find relief. However, they would also be excellent tools as a form of prevention.

This article is for information only. We encourage you to consult your doctor if we have a person with dementia at home. The doctor, through the anamnesis, will evaluate how to continue with the treatment.

Recommended reading

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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