Home » Heart health and blood pressure under control thanks to potassium: here are the foods rich in this mineral

Heart health and blood pressure under control thanks to potassium: here are the foods rich in this mineral

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Heart health and blood pressure under control thanks to potassium: here are the foods rich in this mineral

Potassium is the mineral salt that is good for the heart and circulation and can be stimulated through nutrition.

A healthy and balanced diet is the foundation of heart health. Preferring certain foods, in fact, is important not only to get everything the body needs, but it is also essential to go and prevent the appearance of certain diseases.

Specifically, there are foods that they help fill up on potassium and therefore to protect cardiovascular health. Let’s find out together which ones we talk about: not everyone knows them by heart.

Potassium-rich foods for heart and blood pressure

Foods with a good dose of potassium therefore help keep balanced the pressure level and also to prevent heart-related diseases. This macroelement is able to allow the transmission of electrical impulses that regulate the nervous system. So it’s important for the musculature because the Heart it goes to pump better when there is a good dose of potassium in the body. It also helps balance fluids in the cells, promotes diuresis and therefore helps with high blood pressure.

Which foods to introduce for heart and circulation (tantasalute.it)

The requirement of an adult is 3 grams of potassium per day. We take it through food and therefore we can implement some products to improve health and also abound. In particular, fruit, vegetables and legumes are the best allies in this sense. Potassium is water soluble therefore it dissolves in water, for this reason it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of food but also to the cooking methods. Therefore, it is not necessary to go and wash the products too much or keep them in water for many hours or even boil them because these procedures reduce the beneficial effect.

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I’m from prefer dried legumes which have an excellent dose of potassium, especially in descending order: soy, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas. Potassium is also found in fruit but this should be eaten raw. In addition to bananas which are very famous for their beneficial contribution there are avocado, kiwi, melon, apricot, cherry, fig. All rich substances to be consumed daily. Then there are the vegetables, these should be steamed or pan-fried or if possible eaten raw, they shouldn’t be boiled. They are to be preferred for the heart spinach, zucchini, rocket, sprouts, artichokes.

Among others foods which contain a lot of potassium there are quinoa, buckwheat, whole grains, bran, potatoes, nuts. These foods should always be included in a healthy and balanced diet. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness, and even increased heart rate hypertension and risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore it is important to pay attention and prevent everything through nutrition.

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