Home » Here are 5 properties of fennel that you probably don’t know

Here are 5 properties of fennel that you probably don’t know

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Here are 5 properties of fennel that you probably don’t know

In today’s article we are going to focus directly on what are the 5 benefits better known and more important than the fennel contributes to our health. Making a small introduction, let’s immediately say that fennel is one of the most loved and consumed vegetables of all, suitable for a thousand different recipes, all tasty and well flavored.

  • Promotes digestion: iFennel is rich in dietary fiber and is therefore considered a valid ally of the digestive system. Digestive problems such as constipation and colon syndrome irritable are really quite common especially in adults: the fibers therefore, go to act like a brush moving through the digestive system, cleaning the colon of toxins and managing to limit the risk of contracting various forms of cancer.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol: studies show that foods rich in fiber, especially soluble fibers such as fennel, help reduce and balance cholesterol levels in the blood. A diet rich in fiber therefore reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The fact that fennel is rich in fiber and potassium makes it even more suitable for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease considering that it also normalizes blood pressure.
  • Fights free radicals: iFennel is rich in vitamin C, providing almost half of all the recommended daily ration in just one bulb. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the damage caused by free radicals that is cause of premature cellular aging. It is also necessary for the formation of collagen, one of the most important proteins in the human body which plays a truly fundamental role in the structure and functionality of organs and tissues.
  • Aid for blood pressure control: fennel helps lower blood pressure and moderates inflammation thanks to high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium. While a diet high in potassium could help reduce systolic blood pressure by about 5.5 points, compared to a diet high in sodium, don’t expect immediate results.
  • Fennel Relieves Menopause Symptoms: a menopause study suggests that the use of fennel may actually contribute to the improvement of menopausal symptoms. A sample of 90 postmenopausal women aged between 45 and 60 with moderate symptoms was administered one capsule a day of extract of fennel for eight weeks. Researchers have found that fennel can relieve menopausal symptoms in case you have low estrogen levels.

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