Home » here is the drink we all drink but it gets the blood count high

here is the drink we all drink but it gets the blood count high

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here is the drink we all drink but it gets the blood count high

In our daily life we ​​consume a drink that has the power to get our blood values ​​high, what is it? It is coffee: we drink it every day and even several times during the day but we don’t have to pay attention to side effects. Being an exciting drink, it stimulates blood circulation in an uneven way.

Nutrition experts, in fact, advise against the consumption of coffee to subjects who report anxious or irritable states because it enhances the effects. Of course, no one forbids us to consume a cup of coffee in the morning as soon as we get up but we must not abuse it in quantity and above all it should never be drunk in the evening.

The substances contained in the coffee raise blood values ​​and circulate a sort of adrenaline, irreconcilable with sleep. So let’s pay attention in the evening not only to coffee but also to coffee-based drinks that sometimes hide in cocktails or in those strange concoctions that are served to us at the bar.

Coffee and its relationship with blood values

Caffeine, an exciting substance naturally contained in coffee, has an invigorating and energizing value. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is like getting a frozen bucketful in the face, such is the stimulating effect. But does this sudden energy that pervades our organism coincide with health?

In fact, people suffering from hypertension should be careful in consuming the drink. This is because coffee is responsible for increasing blood values ​​and consequently blood pressure. This problem is dangerous to health because it reduces the speed in the flow of blood that reaches the heart with greater difficulty.

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The main problem is signaled by a thickening of the vascular walls which therefore tend to shrink and make a smaller blood supply flow. Blood values ​​rise and hypertension appears, which can cause damage to the cardiovascular system and even lead to sudden heart attacks and strokes.

To drink or not to drink coffee?

The studies revealed a very precise picture regarding coffee consumption. Without considering that the ingestion of the drink must always be in accordance with what is established by the attending physician and must therefore be evaluated for each individual case. In general, however, we can state the following: moderate and habitual consumption (maximum 3 cups per day) does not lead to an increase in blood pressure, even in those who already suffer from it.

On the contrary, a periodic consumption could be more deleterious. The reason could be the habit of counteracting the energizing effects of coffee by the body, which is ready for daily stresses but not for sudden and unexpected ones. Following this logic, we can safely say that those suffering from hypertension can continue to consume coffee if they do it habitually. If, on the other hand, it is not usual to consume the invigorating drink, it is better to avoid it.

Better to drink a substitute such as herbal tea or fresh fruit juice capable of giving the same energizing contribution. The secret is to choose products with a high content of micronutrients, that is, rich in vitamins and minerals.

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