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here’s what it is and what you can risk

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here’s what it is and what you can risk

When you feel persistent pain in the neck, throat, chest, it could be different ailments. Here are the most common ones

When you are in a strong period stress or tirednessit is possible that we experience occasional pains in various parts of our body.

Neck, throat, chest pain: what it can mean – ilgranata.it

Usually, these are pains that can go away within a short time, and the symptoms can be burning in the throat, an inflammation, even slight, which may be caused by sudden changes in temperature. Or maybe he contracted some virus.

However, in the event that pain occurs in the neck, throat and chest, at the same time or even only throat and neck or throat and chest, and that pain extend for several days, then it could mean that you need to go to the doctor for an in-depth consultation.

Usually, when the aforementioned pains occur, it could be more than one thing, so some should be done accurate exams to bring out the cause of the pain and be able to undergo ad hoc therapy.

Pain in the neck, throat, chest – what could it be

If you experience persistent pain in the neck, throat, chest, it could be, for example, tonsillitis. It usually starts with a sore throat, pain in the neck and jaw, and difficulty swallowing. Ear pain, fever, headache, altered voice may also occur.

What could you have if you have these pains – ilgranata.it

In general, rest and taking anti-inflammatories are recommended, clearly under medical advice. Another possibility, when certain pains occur, is that it may be strep. The latter occurs with pain in the neck and throat, fever, swollen tonsils, visible white patches on the back of the throat.

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To cure strep you need some antibiotics to be taken with a medical prescription. And again, if you feel an “acid” sensation rising up and a burning sensation in your throat, you may have gastroesophageal reflux.

When the irritation involves only theesophagusyou may have burning a stomach and chest. If, on the other hand, the burning is felt in the upper part, then it could arise throat pain, and when the situation worsens, even in the ears or nose. There are specific drugs to treat reflux, and you will need to go to the doctor for the right therapy.

Finally, when you experience pain in the chest, in the middle of the chest, and anxiety, it may be angina pectoris. Usually, when this disorder arises, there may be some underlying atherosclerotic disease. In these contexts, there are targeted treatments to undergo.

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