Home » High cholesterol, here is the habit to be eliminated as soon as possible: the values ​​skyrocket

High cholesterol, here is the habit to be eliminated as soon as possible: the values ​​skyrocket

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High cholesterol, here is the habit to be eliminated as soon as possible: the values ​​skyrocket

To keep cholesterol levels low, you also need to be careful about how long it takes to have lunch or dinner.

Keep the line it is a prerogative to live a healthy life and not to encounter problems that can also become very worrying. To stay healthy it is advisable to follow a correct and balanced diet, as well as practicing physical activity and avoid too sedentary periods during the day. To avoid the extra pounds it is also necessary to reduce fats and pay particular attention to cholesterol.

Il cholesterolin fact, it has an important function in our body in the right doses, but if it exceeds the alert level it can become a high risk factor.

If cholesterol is too high, there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: excessive presence facilitates the formation of fat in the blood vessels, which obstructs the passage of blood, favoring the onset of heart attacks and strokes.

But what triggers excessive cholesterol production? We have already mentioned some factors previously, namely too much sedentary lifestyle and eating too high in fatbut smoking and diseases such as diabetes are also among the causes of too much cholesterol.

How to reduce cholesterol? Good habits to follow

lower cholesterol

How to try to reduce cholesterol? As mentioned, it is advisable to introduce a Mediterranean diet, characterized by consumption of vegetables, cereals and legumes several times a week, without forgetting the right amount of fruit.

But there is also another habit to change if you want to avoid ‘spikes’ in cholesterol levels. Very often, in fact, we are led to to consume too quickly our meal, in most cases because we are in a hurry.

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According to a recent study coordinated by Annamaria Colao, president of the Italian Society of Endocrinology, this trend only raises cholesterol levels. Those who finish their meals in less than 20 minutes they have a greater risk of high cholesterol than those who take it a little more comfortable.

Touch at least 20 minutes when you are at the table promotes metabolism and allows you to keep calories and weight under control.

Eating quickly, as pointed out by Annamaria Colao, is also harmful because leads to always being hungry and therefore to eat more. Also, in order to eat quickly we tend to devour highly processed foods, which are full of calories and they do not benefit the organism at all. This is why to keep cholesterol levels low, you must also pay attention to the time it takes to have lunch or dinner.

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