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Home remedies can help: Popular foods often lead to heartburn

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Home remedies can help: Popular foods often lead to heartburn

Home remedies can help: Popular foods often lead to heartburn

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What you can do yourself both from the inside and from the outside against the painful stimulus in the esophagus.

The sight of a chocolate cake or a glass of sparkling wine is often enough to anticipate the pressure in the chest. Anyone who occasionally suffers from heartburn often knows what triggers the burning sensation in the esophagus and can therefore do without it.

Sometimes, however, this discomfort is not only related to what we eat, but also to how we eat. In addition, there are a few tricks that you can use to prevent stomach acid from rising, regardless of what you eat.

Why do some people get heartburn?

Normally, the sphincter muscle at the bottom of the esophagus keeps stomach acid from rushing up and causing heartburn. However, this closure function can be limited for various reasons, so that a so-called reflux (Latin: reflux) is possible. A full stomach or an overproduction of stomach acid can also lead to heartburn.

These foods often lead to heartburn

How well or poorly some foods are tolerated and digested varies from person to person. Nevertheless, there are specific foods and behaviors that can promote heartburn in many cases.

Large portions, foods that contain a lot of fat or hot spices that are fried or fried usually boost stomach acid production.

Chocolate, alcohol, coffee? Avoid if you have heartburn!

Cocoa is even considered a healthy food in many ways. However, those who suffer from heartburn should avoid chocolate. The digestive tract not only reacts to this with a lot of stomach acid, it can also have an undesirable relaxing effect on the esophageal sphincter.

The same applies to coffee, alcohol and tobacco. As a result of such pleasures, not only a lot of stomach acid is produced. Ingredients like nicotine can also cause the upper stomach seal to relax too much.

Stress can lead to heartburn

Mental health also affects digestion. Stress can stimulate the production of stomach acid. So after certain factors in nutrition, lifestyle and state of mind are considered to be the cause or at least the precursor to heartburn, you can also start with prevention.

What can you do about heartburn?

The good news for smokers with heartburn is that you can actually do something to improve the situation for the esophageal sphincter. The bad news is: to do this, they should quit smoking.

The same applies to overweight people suffering from heartburn: In order to relieve the stomach from the pressure of excess obesity, the recommendation is: lose weight.

Several small meals throughout the day

It’s not just what’s going into the body that matters, but how much of it. In general, it relieves digestion if you eat several small meals throughout the day instead of just filling your stomach three times a day.

Similarly, taking small bites of food and chewing them thoroughly rather than gulping them down makes it easier for digestion. Chewing also stimulates the production of saliva, which in turn helps to neutralize stomach acid.

Almonds for heartburn

You can also take advantage of the effect with this home remedy: If a few almonds are thoroughly chewed to a pulp and swallowed, this can help to bind the stomach acid. At the same time, a lot of helpful saliva is produced. However, the almonds should not be seasoned or roasted.

When it comes to nutrition, you should also pay attention to mild seasoning and careful preparation. Low-fat, low-acid and low-sugar foods are recommended, but they should be high in fiber and protein, such as potatoes, white meat and products made from wholemeal flour.

Fruit juices, which contain a lot of sugar and acid, should be avoided if you have heartburn, as should coffee.

Herbal teas, on the other hand, are beneficial: chamomile works against inflammation and promotes wound healing, anise, fennel and caraway have a relaxing effect. But be careful with peppermint: Its sharpness can also have the opposite effect.

Aloe Vera for heartburn

The juice of the plant-based all-round talent aloe vera can help to soothe the attacked esophagus mucosa.

Why it’s better not to take a nap in the afternoon

One of the first things you can do externally for heartburn is to avoid putting pressure on your stomach. Especially immediately after a meal, it is not advisable to work or do sports in a stooped position.

An afternoon nap is also counterproductive, since the horizontal posture facilitates reflux, but delays digestion. The better choice is a digestive walk.

When should I eat the last meal of the day?

The problems that arise for heartburn sufferers while lying down arise again at the latest when going to bed. Therefore, the last meal of the day should be eaten a good three hours beforehand.

It can also help to raise the slatted frame or the bed by at least 15 centimeters at the head end, for example by pushing a stack of books underneath.

When lifting the headboard on the bed, it is essential to ensure that the lying surface is not kinked, but is placed slightly at an angle as a whole.

Heartburn: It depends on the right pants

Simple but effective: In order not to constrict the stomach unnecessarily from the outside, it helps to swap skinny jeans for looser-fitting trousers.

In order to reduce stress as a possible cause of heartburn, it is important to seek relaxation. With regular breaks, even if they are only short, not only the head recovers, but also the stomach.

Heartburn won’t go away? Consult a doctor!

If changes in diet and lifestyle are not enough to reduce heartburn, if it occurs several times a week or if it is accompanied by coughing, hoarseness and a sore throat, the cause must be investigated in any case. Because heartburn can also be triggered by various diseases.

A doctor should not only be consulted to clarify the cause. Frequent heartburn must be treated medically so that it does not lead to serious complications in the esophagus.

This article was written by Petra Esselmann.

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The original of this post “Popular foods often lead to heartburn” comes from Teleschau.

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