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Hospital emergency room: “The risk of overlooking something important is increasing”

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Hospital emergency room: “The risk of overlooking something important is increasing”

Some nursing homes send old people who are not acutely seriously ill to the emergency room. Intensive care physician Christian Karagiannidis says why this is dangerous.

May 10, 2024, 4:58 p.m

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Due to a lack of personnel, the police and fire brigade had to go to a Berlin nursing home, which illustrates the increasing aggravation of the situation in old people’s and nursing homes. According to doctor Christian Karagiannidis, many nursing home patients end up in emergency rooms unnecessarily because of a lack of good care. He advocates strengthening the nursing profession and better networking between facilities in order to improve the situation. Karagiannidis is optimistic that relevant laws in the Bundestag can bring about changes.


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Remember In crowded emergency rooms, the risk of overlooking something important in patients increases. © [M] Thordis Rüggeberg/​plainpicture

Because there weren’t enough staff for the night shift, the police and fire department recently had to go to a Berlin nursing home. The incident is an example of how the situation in old people’s and nursing homes is getting worse and worse. It can now also be felt in hospital emergency rooms, says Christian Karagiannidis.

TIME ONLINE: Mr. Karagiannidis, as a hospital doctor, what do you notice about the situation in old people’s and nursing homes?

Christian Karagiannidis: We are actually experiencing that individual shifts of nurses are canceled in nursing homes and then there is simply no one left there to care for the patients. So the slightest thing, such as general weakness or borderline high blood pressure, brings them straight to the emergency room. This is not that rare, especially during the holidays.

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