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how does he do it. His own story

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how does he do it.  His own story

Can you live without electricity and gas for decades? Apparently, it is possible, and Fabrizio’s story teaches a lot. Let’s find out.

Fabrizio collects the honey of his bees (YouTube/The Pillow) – Orizzontenergia.it

There is a man in the Marche region who he has been living without electricity and gas for 37 years. His name is Fabrizio, and in the 80s he founded a kind of community, or tribe, in the middle of a wood. In 1986, Fabrizio decides to buy an old ruin for little money, to restore it and to live there, away from the world, isolated from society. He borns the Ringing Nut Tribeto live without modern conveniences.

Everyone in town knows him, despite the fact that he doesn’t have a telephone, despite the fact that he doesn’t have a bank account, and despite the fact that he doesn’t see much around. Yet, at a certain point along the road, hanging from a tree, it is noticeable waving a peace flag: it is the entrance to the community. The channel YouTube The Pillow went to visit him. What did he discover?

Fabrizio, founder of the Tribù delle Noci Sonanti: how does he live without electricity and gas

Confidences with Fabrizio (YouTube/The Pillow) – Orizzontenergia.it

Entering the woods, after a long journey, following the wooden signs, you can reach the community. Fabrizio is a welcoming person, happy to share her daily life, so she starts explaining everything she does, from the morning, when she gets up, to the evening, when she goes to sleep. He lives surrounded by animals, in his farmhouse there are cats, chickens and bees.

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Fabrizio talks about his journey, his need to detach himself from modern society and its comforts, and states that electricity and gas are not needed by humanity. After all, man has lived without electricity for thousands of years. Obviously, Fabrizio does not have the problem with bills or high cost of livingby eliminating them from his life. But how does she live to keep warm in the winter?

The man sets the table, directly on the floor (YouTube/The Pillow) – Orizzontenergia.it

The man smiles, taking the answer for granted, and reporting that he manages the cold covering himself up and lighting the fire. As for the diet, which is vegetarian, Fabrizio cultivates his own vegetable gardenbut in some cases it manages to buy other products thanks to the sale of its fruits, vegetables and honey.

The story of Fabrizio, his philosophy of life

Fabrizio then talks about his philosophy of life and the choice that led him to found the Tribù delle Noci Sonanti. He has always been against attachment to money and land, as well as industrial production. For fight il consumerismto rebel against the vision of modern society, in 1986, at the age of 36, he made this drastic choice.

Chose to eat only organicfor health and in order not to impact the environment, and chose meditation before each meal. He has a university education, he has a degree in astronomy, in Bologna. The community contrasts with Western individualism, according to Fabrizio you have to be in a group, share. Man, in fact, hosts groups of people.

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His son visits him from time to time. There Buddhist philosophy has forged his soul, he feels an integral part of nature. He hates smartphonesconsidered the drug of the modern years, a mind-destroying addiction.

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