Home » How long does it take to dispose of the holiday lunch? The (detailed) table for burning calories for each course

How long does it take to dispose of the holiday lunch? The (detailed) table for burning calories for each course

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How long does it take to dispose of the holiday lunch?  The (detailed) table for burning calories for each course

If you’ve been indulging in all the delicious and calorie-filled foods during the Christmas holidays, you may be wondering just how long it will take to work off all those extra calories. Here is a detailed table for burning calories for each course of your holiday lunch, so you can plan your exercise regimen accordingly.

This holiday season, many of us have been enjoying a lot more food than we usually would. With lavish Christmas Eve dinners and Christmas and Boxing Day lunches, the table has been laden with delicious, but heavy, calorie-laden dishes. From traditional desserts like pandoro and panettone to rich main courses like tortellini in broth and roast kid or lamb, there’s no denying the abundance of food during the holidays.

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to work off all those accumulated calories. According to nutritionists, here’s what you can do to burn off the calories from your Christmas feast.

Pandoro or panettone, which contain approximately 402 calories per 100 g, can be worked off with 1 hour and 42 minutes of brisk walking or 1 hour and 8 minutes of cycling. Tortellini in broth, with an average of 100 g per person and 506 calories, will require approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes of brisk walking to dispose of. Baked lamb or kid, with 118 calories, can be burned off with a 30-minute walk. Fried calamari and prawns, providing 255 calories, will take around 1 hour and 5 minutes of brisk walking to eliminate.

While it may be tempting to start a restrictive diet after the holidays, experts advise against it. Instead, incorporating more physical exercise into your routine can help burn off those holiday calories. So, if you’ve been overindulging, it’s time to start moving and working off those extra calories from your holiday feasting.

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