Home » How many bananas can I eat per week? Here is the answer

How many bananas can I eat per week? Here is the answer

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How many bananas can I eat per week?  Here is the answer

The number of bananas you can eat each week depends on your lifestyle. Speaking of a very lean fruit, because it includes only 65 calories per 100 grams, the perfect number to eat per day can vary from one banana a day, if you have a stay-at-home lifestyle, up to 3 bananas a day if you are physically active people and a sport is followed.

A 100 gram banana can contain about 90 calories, making it a very caloric fruit. Bananas contain, in small percentage, also proteins and carbohydrates. This is why bananas are useful for those with blood sugar problems and for those who want to lose weight. Bananas are full of fiber, potassium as well as vitamins (especially A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP) and mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. They do not make you fat and, therefore, even those who want to lose weight or control their weight can eat them in the right quantities.

How many bananas can I eat per week? Here is the answer

The advice is to eat one a day. The best times to consume them are snacks, mid-morning or in the afternoon, so as not to arrive too hungry for the main meals. The daily diet with lots of fruit and vegetables is always the most recommended with the aim of observing a healthy and balanced diet. Although it is always and only the nutritionist who gives the most correct answer for one’s diet in this regard, in fact, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as we have already said, in theory should not eat more than 2 bananas a day.

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Precisely because the caloric intake, compared to other fruits, is higher. While the situation is different for those who, on the contrary, do daily sporting activities at an amateur level or even at a competitive level. In this case, in fact, eating 3-4 bananas throughout the day can be ideal for filling up on sugar. Here are therefore listed the daily doses, and weekly consequences, of bananas to eat.

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