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How to get rid of your beer belly

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Alcohol is not the reason for the typical beer belly. A study has just confirmed this. Those who sleep less than eight hours increase their risk of a beer belly.

Hand on heart, almost everyone has a few rolls of bacon on their stomach. According to the Robert Koch Institute, every third adult in Germany suffers from a significantly increased waist circumference. How dangerous the so-called visceral belly fat is, popularly also often called beer belly, but many do not even know. This is because it is not only a question of fat accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue, but above all in the abdominal area around the internal organs such as the intestines and liver.

Belly fat weakens the immune system and promotes chronic diseases

It is precisely the fat deposits in the abdominal cavity that trigger chronic inflammation. This in turn has a negative effect on the immune system. That is why obesity, for example, is also considered a risk factor for a severe course of Covid 19.

Visceral fat is also hormonally active and releases fatty acids into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of

  • High blood pressure,
  • Cardiovascular diseases to strokes and heart attacks,
  • and type 2 diabetes

elevated. Visceral abdominal fat also increases cholesterol levels.

Belly fat is a ticking time bomb

This means that belly fat is significantly more dangerous than fat deposits on the buttocks and legs. “Inner abdominal fat is not a simple energy store, but a ticking time bomb for health,” warns Jens Aberle, President of the German Obesity Society and medical director at the Obesity Center of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) in a press release. Abdominal fat is like its own organ, the more abdominal fat there is, the greater the risk of serious illnesses, explains the doctor.

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At what waist size it becomes dangerous

The abdomen becomes dangerous from a circumference of

  • 80 centimeters in women and
  • 94 centimeters in males

One speaks of a so-called ā€œabdominal obesityā€ from an abdominal circumference of

  • 88 centimeters in women
  • and 102 centimeters in males,

Abdominal obesity increases the risk of diseases many times over, warn doctors.

Causes of visceral abdominal fat

Most of the time, visceral belly fat is caused by excessive calorie intake and an unhealthy lifestyle. Gender, age, hormones and genetic factors also play a role. Men in particular tend to have large accumulations of fat in the abdomen.

Even if it is not considered the main cause, beer or alcohol also plays a role. Because alcohol has a lot of calories. For comparison: a bottle of beer (0.5 liters) contains on average about 215 kilocalories, as much as 50 grams of Gouda.

According to a new study from the USA, poor sleep also has an influence on the waist circumference: According to the researchers, less than eight hours had a significantly negative effect. One hour less sleep was associated with an increase of 12.1 grams of visceral fat mass in both men and women.

How to get rid of the beer belly

But what can you do about stubborn belly fat? What’s the best way to get rid of it? It’s not quite that simple: “To get visceral belly fat under control is one Total lifestyle change required “, explains the sports scientist Ingo Froboese from the German Sport University in Cologne on FOCUS online.

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Which includes

  • a lot of physical activity,
  • a balanced and calorie-reduced diet,
  • as well as a good medication attitude and medical supervision.

ā€œAlthough lessen both Endurance and strength training each alone already the belly fat, one However, a combination of both brings the greatest success ‘ Froboese continues. Without targeted activity, nothing would work in the fight against visceral fat. For example, the sports and training scientist Kuno Hottenrott recommends at least Endurance training three to four times a week with a load intensity of 60 to 80 percent as well as Intermittent fasting at least one or two days a week Froboese continues.

By the way, doing nothing or having fat removed in the supposedly convenient way is not an option, since the visceral abdominal fat is too close to the internal organs and has grown together with the tissue located there. So: get up, put on running shoes and declare war on the fat.

The five most important tips to help reduce and prevent belly fat

  1. Eat fewer carbohydrates and instead fill the plate with lots of vegetables and salad. They are high in fiber, healthy and low in calories.
  2. Avoid high-fat and high-sugar snacks like chips, cakes, pastries, and candy bars.
  3. Avoid soft drinks, juices and alcohol. Quench your thirst with water or tea instead.
  4. The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, such as cycling and walking, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity, such as jogging.
  5. Incorporate more movement into everyday life: climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator and walk or ride your bike instead of getting in the car.
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