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How to tell if you drink too little: don’t underestimate these aspects

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How to tell if you drink too little: don’t underestimate these aspects

The importance of being well hydrated. What are the signs of a water shortage? On the contrary, could you tell what are the benefits of an adjusted supply of H2O?

Water is essential for our physical and mental well-being. We are constantly exposed to factors that can affect our hydration status, such as climate, physical activity and our diet.

Drink more water (Photo from Canva) – L’Indiscreto

When we are dehydrated, our body sends us signals that we should take seriously. Let’s find out what are the symptoms and signs that indicate a lack of water, as well as the numerous benefits of being adequately hydrated.

Symptoms and signs of a water shortage

  1. Dryness of the lips and mouth. When we are dehydrated, saliva is reduced and can lead to discomforts such as bad breath and dry gums.
  2. Excessive thirst. If you’re constantly thirsty, it could be a sign that you’re drinking less water than your body requires. Thirst is the body’s alarm mechanism to indicate that it needs to replace lost fluids.
  3. Urine scure. The appearance of your urine can be an indicator of your hydration status. If your urine is dark in color and infrequent, it could indicate low hydration. Urine should be light in color and clear when we are properly hydrated.
  4. Fatigue and lack of energy. Dehydration can impact your energy and make you tired and fatigued. When we are well hydrated, blood flow improves, ensuring a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and brain.
  5. Dehydration can also cause dizziness and headache. Water plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance in the brain, and a deficiency can affect its optimal function.
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Drink more water (Photo from Canva) – L’Indiscreto

Benefits of being properly hydrated

  • Improve overall health. Being well hydrated is essential for the proper functioning of all body systems. Water helps transport nutrients, lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, and remove toxins through sweat and urine.
  • Supports cognitive function. Water is crucial for proper brain function. Being well hydrated can improve concentration, attention and short-term memory. Dehydration can lead to concentration problems and reduced cognitive performance.
  • Promotes digestion and weight loss. Drinking enough helps prevent constipation and promotes proper digestion. Water can also reduce appetite and help control weight. as thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger.
Drink more water (Photo from Canva) – L’Indiscreto
  • Promotes healthy skin. Proper hydration is essential for healthy, supple skin. Water helps maintain skin hydration, reducing dryness and wrinkles.
  • Improve physical performance. Water plays an essential role in physical performance. Being well hydrated during exercise helps maintain endurance, balance and muscle strength.

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