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I BRING – Greetings – News – FRANCE

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Olivia Grégoire, French Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade and Crafts, made statements on inflation that sparked a lively debate in Paris. Interviewed by the Sud Ouest newspaper, she declared: “We need to relearn how to cook basic products and avoid buying processed, more expensive ones.” As reported by Corriere, Grégoire then added that it is necessary to “organise cooking courses in schools” based on the experience of “grandmothers” and “small everyday cooking”. Comments which were followed by a storm, especially from left-wing commentators and politicians. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the radical left, said: “If you don’t have drinking water, take wine tasting courses!”. The comedian Alex Vizorek, speaking on RTL radio, went wild, suggesting that children should be taught gardening, “so maybe by digging they will find oil, we will fight inflation on petrol prices”. And on social media someone proposed “night vision courses against the increase in bills” and “riding courses against the increase in the cost of cars”.

It is also true that the prices of ready-made meals increased by 12.7% in August, much more than the prices of individual ingredients. Furthermore, as we always read in the Corriere, the director of Auchan France, Philippe Brochard, declared to Le Figaro that “the first antidote to inflation is the ability to peel potatoes”, referring precisely to the notable increase in frozen French fries . The minister then commented that her message remains “common sense: favoring unprocessed products is good for your health and your wallet, and not only in times of inflation”.

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