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I BRING – Greetings – News – USA

by admin
Does money bring happiness? What until recently was an unanswered question today seems to have found a scientific solution. Earning more makes everyone, or almost everyone, happier. To say it is a new neuroscience study published in 2023 in the journal of the National Academy of sciences. The research stems from the collaboration of two researchers Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize for economics, and Matt Killingsworth, an expert in studies on happiness. The two started from two different theses: for Kahneman the correlation between money and happiness was worth up to the amount of 100,000 euros, from there on the 2 variables were separated; for Killingsworth, on the other hand, the ceiling of 100,000 euros did not exist and as the annual income increased (equal to the sum of income and investment returns), the level of happiness always increased. The research they did together proved them both right, highlighting three findings about the relationship between money and happiness. The first is that the effect of the ceiling of 100,000 euros per year exists but only for the unhappiest 15% of the population. For those experiencing emotional distress, money only produces positive effects up to this amount, after which it becomes insignificant. The second result is that, instead of what Kahneman theorized, for 60% of the population, which records levels of happiness between the average and the good, the ceiling effect is canceled: greater quantities of money available lead to higher levels of happiness. The third discovery concerns the super-happy, 25% of the population: among them, high growth in income produces very intense levels of well-being. According to this study, therefore, for the vast majority of the population (85%), contrary to what has been thought for centuries, the recipe for happiness is money. (HANDLE).
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