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“I can’t wait to go back to Naples to embrace the fans. Future? It’s not the time…”

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“I can’t wait to go back to Naples to embrace the fans.  Future?  It’s not the time…”

Victor OsimhenNapoli striker, commented on Sky Sport on his Scudetto goal and the Azzurri’s triumph: “I’m thrilled for this victory. I’m happy for me, for the team and for the fans. I can’t wait to return to Naples to embrace our fans, even though tonight I already felt the warmth of the people. I’m happy for all the Neapolitans. I scored the Scudetto goal, it’s true, but anyone else could have scored it. I feel like a leader and I don’t give up never. Future? Now I want to enjoy this historic moment, this is not the time to think about my future. Spalletti is a great coach, he asks us a lot but he is like a father to all of us. He always manages to motivate us and he deserves this title.” .

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