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“I didn’t talk about sanctions against Principal Savino”

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“I didn’t talk about sanctions against Principal Savino”

At the center of the debate was the Leonardo da Vinci scientific high school in Florence, after the director, Annalisa Savino, wrote to her students on Tuesday to invite them not to be indifferent, taking a stand against fascism and against last Saturday’s attack on the students of the Michelangelo. But the Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara yesterday morning threw a thrust against the principal: “In Italy there is no fascist danger – he tells Canale 5 – I would invite the principal to reflect more carefully on history and on the present”. Valditara defines the letter as “improper” and launches the threat: “Should these attitudes persist, we will see if it will be necessary to take measures”.

«Principals are leaders of their educational institution, they represent it and have responsibility for this legal representation, but also from an educational point of view. They have to make choices and assume responsibility in relation to the context in which they live». As Roberto Curtolo, director of the Regional School Office for Tuscany, regarding the letter from the principal of the Da Vinci high school, Annalisa Savino. «I am an administrator and I do not give political judgments. I would bring it back to the school,” concluded the head of the school office.

“The banners of Student block and the letter of the executive burned in the video as well as last Saturday’s beatings» are «a very violent, very serious gesture», and «they seem to me like a terrible film, something improbable for the life, history and values ​​of my city» he said Dario Nardella, mayor of Florence, on the sidelines of an initiative at the Teatro della Pergola. «Unfortunately the risk of a escalation – he added -, it must be said frankly, there is: because it is already in place. I’ve never seen such a thing.” According to Nardella, «there is a risk that the silence e the indifference are read as a de facto green light to these gestures that they are intolerable». Therefore, added the mayor, “I call on everyone, first of all the politicians, to assume their responsibilities because an entire generation is at stake here and it is also the task of society to teach young people what the values ​​of school and Constitution”.

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«Yesterday I spoke to many realities in the world of work, trade unions, associations: there is a great desire to manifestation this dissent, to organize a large manifestation peaceful, non-violent, non-aggressive”, because “the school world must be protected”. «I want to reiterate – underlines Nardella – a simple concept: that the world of school is going protected, that the constitutional principles of school autonomy must be respected, that teachers, students, school leaders must be respected, that politics and institutions must agree in clearly condemning these acts of violence. If in Florence there was a big one peaceful demonstration, democratic, which calls everyone to their responsibilities would be a nice gesture, and could also help to tone down a bit ». While the deputy of the Pd Debora Serracchiani has invited the principal to speak in Montecitorio.

He then spoke on the matter Senator of Forza Italia Mario Occhiuto: «The principal was right to intervene, in Italy there is freedom of speech». AND Rachel Mussolini, nephew of the Duce, who told beraking latest news: «I think the request for the resignation of an excellent Minister, such as Valditara, is exaggerated and senseless, a man with a personal curriculum that speaks for itself and who immediately dictated an absolutely shareable on many topics. However, and I say it that I carry an important surname, you always have to measure your words because everything we say is exploited, attacked: among other things, in this specific case, we talk about trivializations that make no sense because there is no such danger».

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