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“I risk a tumor, I will remove ovaries and tubes”

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“I risk a tumor, I will remove ovaries and tubes”

“The reason I am doing social freezing this time is because this fall I will be removing the ovaries and tubes due to the BRCA1 diagnosis I received,” writes Bianca Balti. What she is referring to is a genetic mutation that increases the chance of developing cancer exponentially, and she has decided to play ahead. “The idea of ​​going through menopause at 38 is not appealing. So I wanted to do it while making sure I have no regrets in the future.” Following the surgery, in fact, she will no longer be able to get pregnant spontaneously.

“My hope is to be able to freeze 5 eggs which, together with the other 5 that I had frozen last year, would give me a good chance of pregnancy success in the future”, explained Bianca Balti a few hours before going through the procedure. “For me it is very difficult to accept the time that passes, to process the mourning of not having all the reproductive possibilities I had years ago”, writes the supermodel in an Instagram story. She is not certain that she will ever resort to assisted fertilization, what matters is “to keep the door open” to the possibility of becoming a mother again: “It is therapeutic and is helping me in this transition”, she confides. “I know that not everyone can afford it economically and that I am privileged”, she admits in her message.

Motherhood is a deeply felt theme for Bianca Balti, former mother of Matilde and Mia. Last year, at the end of the relationship with the manager

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she had resorted to freezing eggs with the intention of being able to release the possibility of having a child from the need for a relationship with a man. A decision she had been talking about for a long time, so the photos of her with her injections had suggested that the purpose of the new therapy was the same.

Not only on social media, but also in the newsletter she sends to her fans, Bianca Balti addressed the topic, responding to the people who called her selfish because of her choice and explaining her reasons. In his letter-confession he writes: “Undergoing major surgery such as double mastectomy and ovariectomy (or hysterectomy) when the breasts and ovaries are healthy is a complicated and personal choice. It cannot and should not be reduced to judgment. . I admire the courage of the women who have done it before me and thanks to the testimonies of those who wrote to me in the last week I too have found the strength I didn’t think I had “.

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