Home » 15-meter bridge over the Rio Morto in Bollengo, Rome allocates 250 thousand euros

15-meter bridge over the Rio Morto in Bollengo, Rome allocates 250 thousand euros

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15-meter bridge over the Rio Morto in Bollengo, Rome allocates 250 thousand euros

The Municipality of Bollengo

Another 90 thousand arrive from the Municipality thanks to the administration surplus. It will unite the two shores: two-way traffic. The hydrogeological risk is reduced

BOLLENGO. A loan of 250 thousand euros from the Ministry of the Interior and another 90 thousand deriving from the administration surplus allow Bollengo to quickly build the bridge over the Rio Riale, better known as the Rio Morto, the last step in the redevelopment of Perno, which began in 2014 with the demolition of the former Dopolavoro club and the construction of the modern multipurpose structure overlooking the morainic amphitheater. Having been certain of the financing, in the context of interventions aimed at securing the hydrogeological risk, and after the landscape authorization, the executive of the mayor Luigi Ricca issued the notice for expressions of interest.

The award of the contract will then take place with a negotiated procedure. «The bridge, with one arch and 15 meters long – explains the mayor – will connect the two banks of the Rio Morto torrent at via Ceresa Rossetto. It will be two-way traffic so as not to have to change the road network.

This required a design update and a consequent change in costs. Which from 260 thousand have risen to 350 thousand, also in consideration of the recent increases in raw materials. To a state loan of 260 thousand euros we have therefore added 90 thousand euros deriving from the administration surplus ”. The bridge will be the icing on the cake of the articulated urban regeneration project begun in 2014. Where before there was a former Dopolavoro club that was falling apart, there is now a building with large windows that looks towards the Serra. A modern, multipurpose space, connected to an agora through a portico, which has maintained its original function as a gathering circle for the population. In the club managed by Katuma, the e-commerce portal of typical Canavese food, there is a space for reading with books provided by the municipal library, an internet station, a bar room and a showcase for producers. It is also usable as a tourist information point connected to the Via Francigena di Sigerico. The redevelopment process had lasted two years: the demolition was followed by the competition of ideas launched by the Municipality for the drafting of the project. Many had participated. From all over Italy and some European countries for a total of 16 proposals. Then the project was entrusted to the architects Antonello and Angelo Sado, winners of the competition. We then moved on to the pavement of the square named after the two magistrates victims of the mafia Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, while the mural by Eugenio Pacchioli had enhanced the ancient perimeter of the walls. The course of the Rio Morto had also been the subject of hydraulic works to prevent the risk of flooding. –

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