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identity, mother tongue (and Gramsci)

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identity, mother tongue (and Gramsci)

In the firmament of the nascent network of government right (personalities from cinema, theatre, publishing, TV, cultural heritage) called to network in the conference «Thinking the Italian imagination/General states of national culture» looms the star of Antonio Gramsci. Three quotes in as many speeches. And, on the entrance desk of the Quirinale hotel in Rome, stacks of “Cultural hegemony”Historica editions, publishing house founded by Francesco Giubileiyoung and very active director of the conference, president of the Tatarella Foundation and of «Nazione Futura», adviser to the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano. Next to Gramsci, in spectacular contrast, «Youth Front/The right that dreamed of the revolution. The story never told» by Alessandro Amorese (Eclettica) and, for the same publisher, «Almirante, the Italian of Italy» by Gigi Montonato. Then Benedetto CroceVincenzo Gioberti, Giuseppe Prezzolini, Umberto Boccioni and also Alessandro Salusti.

Hall packed for the most awaited intervention, that of Sangiuliano: «The Italian imagination is the vindication of our identityof our past but also the construction of the future, a sort of DNA of the nationwe are building the bricks of the Italian imagination by acquiring the State, with Alessandro Giuli now president of Maxxi, Casa Balla in Rome, planning the doubling of the Archaeological museum in Naples with the Albergo dei Poveri. In June, for the first time at the Uffizithere will be an exhibition on avant-gardes of the early 1900s». And here is Gramsci: “Beauty is not enough: we need a human and moral content that is the elaborated and accomplished expression of the public’s aspirations”. Then he recalls that they were «solid conservatives like Soffici, Prezzolini and Papini to look ahead and to organize the first exhibition of the French impressionists in Florence in 1910, making Manet, Degas, Cézanne discovered in Italy».

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Gramsci is also quoted by Federico MolliconeFdI, chairman of the Culture Committee of the Chamber: «It is right to aim for cultural hegemony but provided that we do not lose that political one, the mistake of the left. Ours will be a sweet revolutiona summary and not a hegemony, we are all part of the Italian community». He sends a clear message to the left-leaning entertainment world: «The Single Entertainment Fund no longer exists, now there is the National Entertainment Fund: new rules and new evaluation commissions».

Giampaolo Rossi, omnipresent in the totonomine at the top of Rai, calls for “the hegemony of freedom” for public television. Gramsci also for Giubilei who cites its capacity for cultural organization e attacks the legacy of ’68: “Wrong response to right instances, it has created a culture of one is worth one, anti-meritocratic, of egalitarianism at the bottom”. Fabio Rampelli claims the goodness of his bill on the Italian language: “The tongue it’s not right or left, it’s the mother tongue, in Europe it is defended by 18 out of 27 nations, nobody wants to fine those who use English». But shortly before Lorenzo Maggi of «Lodi Liberale» had been clear: «English shouldn’t be punished or banned but studied more come on guys. And always for young people must be liberalized bathing concessions».

The myriad of interventions it also reveals ailments. Director Luciano Cannito attacks «the governance of the great Italian opera houses all occupied by foreign managers, a unique case of colonialism in Europe». The Undersecretary for Culture, with responsibility for Entertainment, Gianmarco Mazzi, he adds: «A reality that does not respond to our national interest, as if there were no Italian professionals capable of covering those roles». Towards the close big laughs with Frederick Palmarolialias Osho, described in the presentation as «a neo-futurist, almost a Marinetti of our times» who reinterprets recent highly successful cartoons on the screen. One of all, Franceschini and Letta in Pompeii. And Franceschini: «Who verbal it was all Pd». Thunderous applause.

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