Home » If you are over 40, you need to be on the lookout for vitamin B12 deficiency

If you are over 40, you need to be on the lookout for vitamin B12 deficiency

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If you are over 40, you need to be on the lookout for vitamin B12 deficiency

The lack of vitamina B12 it can be serious after age 40. It is known that at a certain age, nutritional deficiencies must be addressed because there could be more problems.

Vitamin B12 deficiency: better to avoid it, here’s why

A deficiency in this vitamin can damage nerves, so supplement it with supplements and food. Beware of these supplements though, there is evidence that some individuals have taken it vitamin B12 supplements have suffered from the Uhthoff syndromewhich damages eyesight.

According to the opinions of experts, this phenomenon occurs in people who, due to a deficiency, take supplements. There is currently no link between this vitamin and this phenomenon. But out of a sample of 86,813 who reported taking vitamin B12, only 27 people reported the fenomeno Uhthoff as a side effect. However, these experiences are solely from the patient’s point of view and have not been confirmed by doctors.

What is this syndrome?

The syndrome describes a number of neurological symptoms related to demienalization of the nerves. This pathology was discovered by the doctor from whom it takes its name and was found in patients after physical exercises of a certain caliber. Generally, it is noted because patients have reduced visual acuity, with obvious signs of macular degeneration, the symptoms are temporary and vision is restored after a few hours. But usually within 24 hours, other mild symptoms can occur.

There is no specific medical treatment, but there are some tips you can follow:

  • it is advisable to refresh the body from the outside, looking for shaded areas or using refreshing spray products
  • Drink fresh water before and during exercise.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency: is it serious or not?

The deficiency of this vitamin corresponds to a strong anemia, it is called “pernicious anemia”. It manifests itself with fatigue, weakness, moodiness and paleness. In severe forms it manifests itself with dizziness, blurred vision and accelerated heart rate. In the worst cases there is a risk of developing bowel and stomach cancers. Also to find out, it is quite easy, blood tests or an endosocopy are enough.

Older people or people with nerve damage are given by injection, while normal people are given vitamins, but don’t overdo it.

Avoid this deficiency, as with all other vitamins, but there are some foods that you can eat to alleviate the situation:

  • Beef or veal liver
  • Lamb liver
  • Caviar
  • Oysters
  • Rabbit
  • Mackerel
  • Mussels
  • fresh cheese
  • Lean ham
  • Trout
  • Emmentaler or Camembert
  • Cooked salmon
  • Mozzarella
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 3 tablespoons of rounded quarks
  • 1 small glass of cow’s milk

By eating these foods, some occasionally, others rigorously, you can avoid the deficiency of this vitamin.

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