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If you follow eight tips, you will sleep better at night

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If you follow eight tips, you will sleep better at night

You went to bed early and still feel overwhelmed when the alarm clock rings? So that you can start the morning fit right away, here are the eight best tips for restful nights.

1. Make your bedroom a place of well-being

Sounds obvious, but it’s not: In order to recharge your batteries at night, you should feel comfortable. Make sure that your bedroom is neither too cool nor too warm. Around 18 degrees Celsius are ideal for a relaxed sleep. Don’t forget to air the room regularly. Things that are useless for sleeping, such as a drying rack, do not belong in the bedroom.

Instead, invest in a comfortable bed and a good mattress, and buy bedding that you and your skin like.

2. Ban the smartphone from the bedroom

Many of us tend to re-scroll through social media or check email before we go to sleep. Problem: The blue light that devices such as smartphones and tablets emit inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin. And this, in turn, is important for restful sleep. It is therefore best to banish your mobile phone from the room completely and use the good old alarm clock so that you don’t come too late in the morning.

TheraBody’s “SmartGoogles” are for those who need help to wind down before falling asleep (approx. 199 €) just the right thing. Whether you stare at the screen all day, suffer from a headache, or have trouble falling asleep, SmartGoogles relieve facial tension, relieve eye strain, reduce headaches, and relax your body and mind to prepare for sleep.

SmartRelax mode is proven to lower heart rate while a combination of heat, vibration and massage puts you in the ideal state of relaxation.

3. Wear sleeping masks

Light prevents us from sleeping well. If you can’t darken your bedroom completely, for example because you don’t have any blinds, you should use sleeping masks.

Under it, the eyes have extra space, it reduces the formation of creases and a pillow mark on the face. It also ensures that you do not notice any possible light sources. Even the small strip of light that enters your bedroom from under the door gap is then no longer a problem.

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Aren’t we being a bit petty here? Absolutely not. Study results show that sleeping with eye masks can not only lead to deeper sleep, but also to more energy during the day. You can look forward to better memory performance and a faster reaction time.

4. Take a bath

No surprise: you sleep best when you are relaxed. So introduce a nightly ritual that will get you off, like taking a hot bath just before bed. Suitable bath additives – for example with essential oils of lavender or lemon balm – also ensure relaxed moments and help you to get tired.

Important: Do not bathe too hot, as this stresses the body. The water in your bath should be no more than 38 degrees Celsius.

5. Stay away from coffee

An evening coffee for more energy in the morning? Even if you drink a few cups of coffee during the day and hardly feel any effect on your body, you should avoid caffeine before going to bed. This will perk you up and boost your brain activity. So it can’t relax at night, which means it lacks energy in the morning.

Instead, drink a hot tea with calming effects. For example, chamomile tea can relax you.

6. Work out

Exercising before going to bed can not only boost the cardiovascular system, but also ensure a deeper sleep. Study results were able to prove that about two and a half hours of sport per week are enough to increase the number of deep sleep phases. The body can regenerate better and you have more energy in the morning.

Important: Keep a sufficient distance between sport and sleep. If you go straight to bed from the gym, your body won’t be able to switch off as quickly.

7. Don’t eat too heavy

Another burger menu in the evening? It’s delicious, but anything but ideal for a good night’s sleep. If you eat too much hearty food, your body is busy digesting the heavy food at night and uses energy that you could have used much better the next day. Therefore, it is better to rely on light dishes with lots of vegetables.

Tip for cravings: A banana is filling and contains a lot of potassium, which regulates blood pressure and can therefore ensure a good night’s sleep. The individual microbiome in the intestine, which consists of around one million bacteria, should also not be underestimated. It controls the physical and mental balance and the right diet can influence this.

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8. Rely on dietary supplements

The right nutritional supplements can be a boost to your well-being – and ensure a good night’s sleep and more energy. Take a magnesium supplement, for example. This lowers cortisol levels and thus stress.

The capsules of „Sleep Well“ von L-Complex (60 capsules, approx. €29) have been proven to combine the best phytonutrients and micronutrients to calm the nervous system and support normal sleep. Ashwagandha is used in Ayurveda as a stress reliever, while valerian and lemon balm extract are GABA transaminase inhibitors that have a positive impact on the nervous system. The magnesium it contains also supports it.

Basically, vitamin B6 also helps to increase the serotonin level, which is important for a relaxed sleep. Melatonin can also make you more tired. As a dragee or spray, it helps you fall asleep better and be more alert in the morning.

The optimal sleeping position for a harmonious relationship in bed

People move at night to prevent one-sided strain on the muscles and to ensure adequate blood circulation in the tissue. A firm favorite sleeping position seems to be important for falling asleep, since an unfamiliar sleeping position often causes difficulties in falling asleep. Preferences for a particular sleeping position seem to be established in childhood and often persist throughout life. However, there is no clear scientific evidence as to why people prefer to sleep in certain positions.

Hans Günter Weess

Board member of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster

The sleeping position can have an influence on physical complaints. If you have spinal, shoulder or hip pain, lying on your back can offer advantages because the spine is supported. Cardiologists have recently recommended people with heart problems to lie on their right side because it relieves the heart and the vegetative nervous system is more relaxed. On the left, the weight of the upper body presses on the heart and more stress hormones are released. Those who are prone to heartburn, on the other hand, have advantages on the left side, as the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus is more likely to be prevented. In all sleeping positions, the thoracic and cervical spine should always form a straight line to avoid pain and tension that can disturb your sleep.

The choice of mattress and pillow influences the preferred sleeping position. A mattress that is too hard or too soft can promote pain and sleep disorders. A point-elastic mattress with different zones is a good choice. The slatted frame should support the point elasticity of the mattress and be individually adjustable. The pillow should support your head and neck in every position. The size 40×80 is often optimal. A good duvet regulates heat and moisture and should be of adequate size and light. The type of filling does not play a central role.

Avatar of Hans-Günter Weeß

Hans Günter Weess

Board member of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster

As soon as you can assume your individually comfortable favorite (falling) sleeping position, which was determined in childhood, and the mattress, bed frame, pillow and blanket do not lead to painful physical tension, you are optimally relaxed and consequently have the best possible sleep quality.

Avatar of Hans-Günter Weeß

Hans Günter Weess

Board member of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster

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