Home » If you have a bloated belly try these drinks – they make it flat in just one day

If you have a bloated belly try these drinks – they make it flat in just one day

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If you have a bloated belly try these drinks – they make it flat in just one day

Swollen Belly-IFood

Let’s fight that unpleasant problem of abdominal swelling with imagination and without sacrificing taste: flat stomach and goodbye annoyance!

Abdominal swelling is not only an aesthetic problem but above all annoying to the point of ruining our day: let’s warn one unpleasant feeling of heaviness at belly height which can result in even more unpleasantness intestinal irregularities.

The causes can be varied, including the water retentionthe constipation, hormonal factors feminine, in addition to having exaggerated at the table.

To alleviate this annoyance and get a flatter bellywe can get into the habit of consuming some drinks they contain useful ingredients to give us immediate relief.

The cucumber for example has diuretic and anti-inflammatory propertiesas well as mint, which reduces theaccumulation of gas in the intestines. Greek yogurt contributes to the intestinal health thanks to probiotics. Kiwi is rich in digestive enzymes while avocado provides healthy fats and fibre which aid digestion. Many fibers also contain strawberries; the pineapple then helps reduce inflammation as well as ginger, which also promotes digestion. Let’s find out how to associate them to give life to tasty and beneficial drinks for our belly.

Fruit comes to our aid

We prepare a pineapple ginger smoothie with 150 grams of yogurt grecojuice of lemon to taste, 300 grams of fresh pineapple and a piece of ginger, for a total of 204 calories and zero grassi! If we want something very tasty we opt for a milkshake strawberries and kiwis with 194 calories. We blend 30 grams of strawberries, 2 kiwis, one mela and ginger to taste.

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If calories aren’t a problem, throw on a smoothie with banana and avocado which will bring us 291 Kcal: blend 200 ml of freshly squeezedorange, ginger to taste, a banana and an avocado. Or we blend 50 grams of blueberries with a banana, 150 grams of Greek yogurt and 200 ml of vegetable milk for a total of 272 calories.

Smoothie that deflates the belly-IFood

Vegetable-based smoothies

To take on fewer calories, let’s choose a smoothie instead cucumber and mint which amounts to 171 Kcal: blend 150 grams of unsweetened Greek yogurt together with 40 grams of juice lime15 grams of honey, 200 grams of cucumber and mint to taste.

Even fewer calories (159 Kcal) will be provided by a smoothie with 150 grams of carrots and 10 grams of ginger, 50 grams of celery40 ml of lemon juice, 30 grams of honey and 300 grams of water.

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