Home » If you have a slow metabolism here’s how to lose weight: eat this

If you have a slow metabolism here’s how to lose weight: eat this

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If you have a slow metabolism here’s how to lose weight: eat this

Slow metabolism, what is the perfect diet for those who can’t lose weight. General indications and typical menu to follow.

slow metabolism diet, this is just what it takes to make our body tonic again. Not only by losing weight but also by awakening the effectiveness and functionality of the processes in our body.

The word Metabolism in English (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

This diet is particularly suitable for those who have difficulty losing weight. When this happens it is precisely because of a slow metabolism. And the slow metabolism diet aims to make you lose even 4 kilos within a week.

Being low in calories, this period of time must not be exceeded, otherwise there may be repercussions on health. We start with breakfast, which should be eaten early in the morning, at the latest by 07:30 or 08:00.

Lunch must take place at the latest by 13:00 and dinner by 20:00 at the latest. In between there are snacks and snacks. There are many permitted foods, such as jam and biscuits for breakfast, and even a little dark chocolate.

Slow Metabolism Diet, what to eat and what not to eat

Then meat, both red and white, eggs, dairy products, and legumes, soy and whole grains. Then together with the inevitable fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit, which are rich in proteins, vitamins, fibers and other nutrients.

The inscription Metabolism
The writing Metabolism (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

All this strengthens the body and improves digestive processes. As a condiment, a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil a day is fine, together with various spices and aromatic herbs and limine juice. The following foods should be avoided or minimized

  • salted cheeses
  • fatty salami
  • preserved fish
  • spirits
  • sweet and/or carbonated drinks
  • frying
  • packaged food (snacks, snacks, etc…)

Of course, always ask a dietician or nutritionist for advice first. Do not continue if you are a pregnant woman or a person with medical conditions. To enhance the effects of the slow metabolism diet, drink at least 2 liters of water a day and get some exercise. Even half an hour of brisk walking 3-4 times a week.

Slow metabolism diet, the typical menu of the week

A fork and a meter
A fork and a measuring tape (Photo Canva)


  • Breakfast: a cup of partially skimmed milk, 1 biscuit with a veil of raspberry jam.
  • Snack of the morning: a dark chocolate.
  • Lunch: a portion of beef carpaccio with rocket, pepper and raw mushrooms, lettuce salad flavored with radishes.
  • Snack of the early afternoon: an Apple.
  • Late afternoon snack: two flakes of Parmesan (10 g).
  • Cena: a portion of pasta and beans (100 g in all) grated raw fennel a squeeze of pink grapefruit.


  • Breakfast: a cup of barley coffee, a natural yoghurt with a spoonful of honey, two dry biscuits.
  • Morning snack: a granola bar with raisins.
    Lunch: 150 g of baked salmon, steamed spinach, 2 tangerines.
  • Early afternoon snack: a mixed fruit salad.
  • Late afternoon snack: A glass of tomato juice.
  • Cena: a portion of risotto with prawns and curry (100 g in all), raw carrots in vinaigrette.

What to eat in the middle of the week


  • Breakfast: a low-fat fruit yoghurt, 2 shortbread biscuits.
  • Morning snack: a glass of skimmed milk.
    Lunch: boiled chicken salad (100 g) with chopped raw carrots and celery, cherry tomatoes, a spoonful of mustard.
  • Early afternoon snack: unsweetened pear juice.
  • Late afternoon snack: a rice cracker.
  • Cena: a portion of penne with zucchini (100 g in all) steamed aubergines.


  • Breakfast: a cup of semi-skimmed milk, a spoonful of chocolate cereal flakes.
  • Morning snack: a fruit salad of yellow and green kiwis.
  • Lunch: 120 g of grilled veal with bay leaf and vinegar, steamed asparagus dressed with lemon juice
  • Early afternoon snack: a fruit yoghurt.
  • Late afternoon snack: a juice of mixed citrus fruits.
  • Cena: a portion of mushroom cream, 3 slices of lean raw ham.
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  • Breakfast: a cup of barley coffee, a fruit yoghurt, half an empty brioche.
  • Morning snack: a pineapple and papaya fruit salad.
  • Lunch: a grilled sole, mashed potatoes, an orange.
  • Early afternoon snack: a small banana.
  • Late afternoon snack: an infusion of your choice.
  • Cena: a portion of minestrone of mixed vegetables and legumes with 40 g of brown rice.

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And what to eat on the weekend


  • Breakfast: a cup of hot chocolate, a biscuit.
  • Morning snack: a tropical fruit juice.
  • Lunch: 150 g of grilled turkey breast, tomato salad with oregano, a pear.
  • Early afternoon snack: a cup of decaffeinated coffee with a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Late afternoon snack: chopped raw carrots and fennel.
    Cena: 60 g of spaghetti seasoned with garlic and bottarga, 2 scoops of fruit ice cream.

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  • Breakfast: a low-fat yogurt, a slice of homemade margherita cake.
  • Morning snack: a fruit salad of pears and bananas.
  • Lunch: a grilled veal hamburger, steamed asparagus.
    2 slices of fresh pineapple
  • Early afternoon snack: a cup of barley coffee.
  • Late afternoon snack: 2 bread sticks in water.
    Cena: two skewers of cherry tomatoes and mozzarella (80 g), endive and radicchio salad, a kiwi.

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Taking these indications into consideration will be of great help to have a dazzling shape.

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