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Important aspects of good disability insurance for pharmacists

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Important aspects of good disability insurance for pharmacists

The Bayerische Apothekerversorgung rejected the application for pension payments and emphasized the need for a long-term prognosis

The most recent legal dispute over the determination of a pharmacist’s occupational disability at the Stuttgart Administrative Court illustrates the importance of comprehensive occupational disability insurance (BU) for pharmacists. In the case of the pharmacist, who suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and cancer, the court ruling led to the decision that she was not necessarily classified as unable to work (judgment of January 14, 2021, Az. 4 K 6874/19).

The pharmacist had applied to the Bayerische Apothekerversorgung for payment of a pension due to permanent disability. Although there were medical statements and reports showing her limitations in terms of customer contact and specific exposures in a conventional pharmacy, an expert report concluded that she could carry out light work without direct customer contact, risk of infection or special stress. Activities such as research, written advice or working in online pharmacies were mentioned as possible options.

The Bavarian pharmacist supply rejected the application for pension payment and argued that a long-term prognosis was necessary to determine the occupational disability and that further treatments were promising and necessary. The administrative court in Stuttgart confirmed the decision of the pharmacist supply and dismissed the pharmacist’s complaint.

This case underscores the need for comprehensive disability insurance for pharmacists. It is important that pharmacists consider the following aspects when choosing BI insurance:

Clearly defined conditions: The insurance conditions should clearly state what counts as a disability and what benefits are provided in this case.

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Comprehensive coverage: Good BI insurance should cover various causes of disability, including physical and mental illness and accidents.

Medical expertise: A sound assessment of the individual’s health limitations by medical assessors is crucial in order to assess the impact on the professional activity and to receive an appropriate insurance benefit.

Flexibility: The insurance policy should allow for options for different occupations or fields of work in case an adjustment of occupation is necessary due to health restrictions.

Transparent contract terms: It is important that all terms and exclusions are formulated in a clear and understandable manner to avoid any possible misunderstanding or dispute.

Pharmacists should be careful when choosing disability insurance and seek advice from experts. Comprehensive coverage ensures that financial support is available in the event of disability and that the standard of living can be maintained.

by Oliver Ponleroy, specialist journalist

ApoRisk® GmbH is an insurance broker and has been a specialist in the risks of pharmacists for many years. The brokerage company is experienced in the pharmacy industry and independent. The direct concept via the Internet portals aporisk.de and pharmarisk.de saves our customers a lot of money. This saving benefits the high value and fair price of the policies.

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